Cover for No Agenda Show 1368: Heat Map
July 29th, 2021 • 3h 42m

1368: Heat Map


Every new episode of No Agenda is accompanied by a comprehensive list of shownotes curated by Adam while preparing for the show. Clips played by the hosts during the show can also be found here.

Breakthrough New Science!
'Fully Vaccinated' - What does it mean with Boosters?
There is NO variant test BOTG Report
I recently heard a claim on some media outlet that 71% of all Covid cases in that area were the Delta variant and another outlet claimed 40% in a different area. Of course no details about how testing for variants are completed or who can do them, just the usual parroting of information from some government PR person.
I am one one of the boards for a multi-hospital regional healthcare system on the east coast. We recently had a board meeting with a Covid update as part of our agenda. One of the executives suggested that the Delta variant was a major factor for all the cases. Naturally I put on my on No Agenda Hat and asked some questions after the meeting with this person.
It turns out in the hospitals in our system are not testing for variants, because they can't. Only two highly recognized learning hospitals can provide those tests regionally and even then they can only test for general variants not the Delta. Only the feds or maybe the state has the ability to test specific variants. But the hospitals in our system are not even sending samples to the learning hospitals let alone the feds for testing. Not sure how the CDC or any organization can accurately suggest statistics about the variants.
Also an additional fact discussed on the show and I can verify. The healthcare database systems that feed into state and then CDC have no way of knowing how many times a person has been tested. Meaning if a person has been tested three times positive for Covid that is three new cases of the Covid not three tests for for one person. Most people are getting multiple tests in our system once they test positive.
Subject: Peer review
The phrase ‘high score’ connected some dots for my on this for me that could make it even more
damning or fauci as the bureaucrat who likely sets the framework under which the paper was “rated”.
This goes back directly to climate change and more broadly the shaping of US thought at the top
levels of government in broad areas by a few people (if not one individual entirely).
Unfortunately I’m sleep deprived and can’t trust myself to provide detail id stand by at the
moment, but I’ll follow up today or tomorrow. The broad view is that the federal government is
targeted for litigation endlessly, and the whole role of government (in my mind) has now been
shaped towards minimizing the exposure to the risk of litigation on every level, both direct
consequences of funding mistakes, as well as potential lawsuits to accuse them of
bias/favoritism/cronyism. As a result, weve reached a point (pun intended) where any open
government funded project for research is awarded based on a score, with broad categories being
reviewed and assigned point values for funding that provides the appearance of being unbiased.
But they aren’t unbiased in reality because in the effort to avoid litigation the scoring mechanism
becomes so clearly laid out that the only thing separating one possibility from another would be
how that scoring criteria was shaped. Think all federal money to California on a open application
state-wide grant project going to one neighborhood with the exact balance of racial composition and
household income that scored perfectly. Think how the government can finds only climate change
research again and again so the media can point to that 97% number and not be sued, despite the
actual impact being debatable.
I have never applied for a grant through NIH, but you can be assured they have a similar system in
place to review grant proposals before awarding money. It was not controversial or debatable in my
field of study that NIS money goes reliably to those who can read the weather best and year after
year write applications that are awarded the highest grants to fund large projects. This is not
based on pure research genius, it’s entirely favoring those who can interpret the federal releases
correctly and craft applications for the project the federal agency has shaped the grant process to
fund, and typically they couldn’t care less on a personal level about whatever the large project
If Fauci said it scored well it was without question his intent to fund gain of function research,
as he almost certainly shapes the broad agenda of the NIH in his role if nothing else. That also
means these application savants for the NIH (if they weren’t so scared of fauci) could point you to
the material which shows this
Vaccinated vs Vacuous
I'm standing up and risking my job BOTG
Gradually, my company has imposed more and more restrictions on non-vaccinated employees and most recently they sent out a survey which requires self-identifying vaccination status.
This survey is stated to be a mandatory and all employees must participate. It may seem an arbitrary line to many, especially given that you can choose to answer "not willing to share," but everyone needs to pick their line before it is too late, and this is mine. I refuse to be participant to the cataloging of people across metrics which can be used to discriminate, or to coerce them against their own bodily autonomy. My participation would be validation of this act and I think we can all see where this is likely headed.
I have a great job with a great salary. I have worked incredibly hard for my career and my family depends on my income. Despite this, my wife and I are in agreement that if we don't take a stand and voluntarily risk these things today, then one day they will be forced from us, or similar things would be forced from others. I cannot abide by that.
I will provide an update once everything shakes out.
To all the Dames and Knights, I hope I can encourage them that the value of holding true to your morals far exceeds the value any douchebag corporation can send you in rapidly depreciating fiat.
Don't lie, don't pull cute tricks and word play, just stand up and declare what you know is right, it is the only way we can hold back this coming wave of tyranny. We can resist the tyrants and we can support each other.
Thank you for your courage,
Sir Ten Cryptids, Keeper of Lore
New Test requires SEPARATION of covid and flu
Most people know that when a drug dealer gives you the first sample free, that shit is going to be addictive.
French Millennial Producer (FMP) BOTG Report
hi adam and john! I’m American but I’ve been travelling around France for the last 10 months. Here’s what’s going on:
- unfortunately the “pass sanitaire” (health pass) is definitely being enforced. as of last week, a bunch of places have booths set up outside of them where you have to show a QR code or a paper that proves you have either been vaccinated (at least 4 weeks ago) or have a negative test result (48 hrs ago). places include museums, galleries, concerts, public pools, some libraries and more. People I live with have told me that they have been denied access to the pool with their 4 yo daughter because they didn’t have their ID to match with their vaccination papers (they didn’t think to take their passport to the pool with them).
- On August 1 “controle pass sanitaire” is supposed to be extended to restaurants, cafes, and “long-distance” public transportation. I don’t know if this will include regional commuter trains, personally I can’t imagine controlling the volume of people who take trains every day to get to work.
- There are protests all the time but they seem to be going through with it. Unfortunately most of the people I know are saying “if you just get vaccinated it won’t be a problem.”
- During the November lockdown, I was “not allowed” to go more than 1km away from my home. However, I took buses all over to explore the region as if nothing had changed and I never once got controlled.
- Masks were “mandated” outdoors for the majority of my time here and I never once wore a mask outdoors and I never got fined or even approached by any control officer. Sometimes a police officer rolls by and says “masks are necessary” and drives off. however the population is extremely obedient because they are afraid of getting fined.
- When I was in Paris in June one day I just stopped wearing a mask on the metro and although I was the only unmasked person, no one blinked an eye. I did this for three weeks.
- However you cannot get into a store without a mask on. I have tried the Adam Curry Whole Foods trick all over the place and have never been able to walk into a store without a mask. especially at a whole foods-sized place there is ALWAYS a security guard at the door making sure you’re wearing a mask and in many cases not letting you pass until you use hand sanitizer. (my trick is to stand with my body in between the guard and the sanitizer disposer for one second and then turn around and rub my dry hands together)
For context i’m a 27 y.o. girl, I lived in Marin County (18 yrs), Boston (4 yrs), and Nashville(4yrs) before selling everything I own to travel around Europe in August 2020. awkward timing with covid but I went anyway. I’ve been in France since October 2020. started listening to the show shortly after adam’s first JRE appearance. I have 0 people in my life who are not completely bought into the mainstream media narrative so I’m super grateful for No Agenda and I wish I could go to a meet up!!!!! I will host one if I ever know in advance that I will be in one place for more than 3 weeks.
i’m escaping to Spain next week, wish me luck that I can sneakily get there without being controlled for a test.
thanks love you guys here’s karma for YOU ding ding ding dinnnng <3 mel
ps on the millennial/genZ topic its true that pretty much everyone i know my age is depressed and anxious and at this point its definitely cool to be anxious and complain about everything. people get very suspicious if you say you are happy and life is going great. they are suspicious and do not encourage you if you decide to do something with your life other than sit at home and complain. which is why I left them to travel around alone. BYE!!
Down Under
Sir Chris Wilson NSW/Sydney BTOG
It’s official
Troops are on the streets to “assist” the New South Wales State Police. I haven’t heard back about the scope of the services...yet. I will let you know once I have more info (clip provided)
Alleged Horse punch bloke is in solitary “for Covid safety reasons” and refuses to get a Covid test. They won’t let anyone see him including his lawyer. This is a stalemate, and won’t progress easily....a bit like Julian Assange, but without pissing off the Clintons, though PETA has plans for him I am sure
At the protest, there is multiple videos of a dude in a Red white and blue hoodie, seen in a number of incidents starting things but never getting busted. Cops ignore him.
Please tell everybody that the rally for Saturday 31st at Hyde Park is a fake. It’s a setup and the Police will be there as a “show of force”. False flag, set up, whatever. Just don’t go, it won’t end well
Brad Hazzard, our state health minister is a see you next Tuesday, with his attitude for those who choose not to have the vaccine. (Clip provided)
Earlier in the week, Our Dear Premier, Gladys described the protesters as disgusting and the police commissioner Michael Fuller used the word filthy. Sounds like words used to describe a class of people identified in Germany during the mid 1930s...
Things are ratcheting up on the Genocide Meter...
Federal Govt bailout money has increased to $750 dollaridoos a week
Spent close to 4 hours on the phone today on hold to the state services hotline for the 5 minutes it took to find out about work restrictions for some dude named Ben work in the really locked up regions in Sydney, and about the proof of masklessness requirements...the bloke was as helpful as he could be, but the legislation and guidelines they are given are vague. But 4 hours for 5 minutes on the that a record ??
It has been revealed that the Covid sign in is a mandate, but not a law. Moreover, to quote the documentation from the NSW government, it collects data that it may share with third parties. In other words, it’s selling our data !!!! (I forwarded the video on Telegram. 2:22 to 3:10 covers this)
And to add insult to injury, while we are not allowed outside except for walkies, and certainly not allowed into restaurants, shops and hotels, someone well meaning, has suggested that dogs should be allowed in restaurants, shops and hotels. (Clip provided)
Dogs are people too, but filthy and disgusting Sydney siders are not
Shout out to Erin Semmler at ABC Rockhampton for being kind enough to share the audio for the doggie clip with me.
Climate Change
Media SHAMEFULLY Ignores Historic Coal Miner Strike For 4 MONTHS
Coal miners strike outside Blackrock
Subject: Striking Coal Miners “Follow the Money” to BlackRock HQ
Cultivating a high profile as an ESG proponent is causing a headache for BlackRock’s Larry Fink.
Coal miners striking against Warrior Met Coal (which mines metallurgical coal used in steel making) descended on BlackRock’s headquarters today to try to get the firm to help settle the strike.
BlackRock, through its Indexing arm— which passively invests the proper, proportional amount in companies to match the performance of an underlying Stock index— is the largest institutional stock holder of Warrior Met Coal.
With BlackRock recently posing as an activist firm to take advantage of the ESG craze, the firm gets dinged two ways:
(1) not pressuring their investee companies to act in the interests of certain “stakeholders”.
(2) owning companies that mine “dirty coal”- which is not ESG-friendly.
Going “woke” has its drawbacks— if you don’t act woke enough for some people.
Dell won't ship energy-hungry PCs to California and five other US states due to power regulations
Old Folks Homes
Pharma=Insurance=Expensive old people
Happenings at a nursing home in North Carolina BOTG
Well, they've stepped it up a bit here at the nursing home. They have been 'suggesting' that people get vaccines by saying that if your gone for more than four hours or overnight for whatever reason that you have to get moved to the quarantine hall for two weeks.
Well this past week an employee here was 'tested positive' and everyone had to get a covid test. This happened over the weekend. Then today they started going around and giving the residents who haven't had the covid shot the first vaccine shot. I've overheard a few of the nurses explanations to the residents and they are being very evasive about what the shot is for. They are basically saying that they have to get this shot to prevent 'covid' and they aren't explaining it very well, or even telling them which shot they are getting. I know it's not the 'one shot wonder' because they say they'll be back in 28 days to give them the second shot.
I'm coherent enough that I would be able to question it, but a lot of these residents just take whatever they are given or told to take. There's huge problems with the residents that are diabetic being given high sugar foods, I know not to eat it and a lot of times order my food on my own so I can make sure I'm getting the high protein low sugar food I should be getting.
I can't help but think that they are just trying to get rid of the older people in our society. A lot of these residents here have existing problems that could really be exacerbated by the 'experimental' vaccine.
Thank you for your courage!!!
If you accepted mRNA vaccine, you may be owned like Monsanto seeds - SCOTUS
In the US, the Supreme Court has ruled that vaccinated people worldwide are products, patented goods, according to US law, no longer human.
Through a modified DNA or RNA vaccination, the mRNA vaccination, the person ceases to be human and becomes the OWNER of the holder of the modified GEN vaccination patent, because they have their own genome and are no longer "human" (without natural people), but "trans-human", so a category that does not exist in Human Rights.
The quality of a natural person and all related rights are lost.
This applies worldwide and patents are subject to US law.
Since 2013, all people vaccinated with GM-modified mRNAs are legally trans-human and legally identified as trans-human and do not enjoy any human or other rights of a state, and this applies worldwide, because GEN-POINT technology patents are under US jurisdiction and law, where they were registered.
SOURCE of the decision of the US SUPREME COURT
Pfizer Marketing
The Purge
Capitol Attacks in Hisory
Jan 6th was the worst attack on the Capitol since 1812? Odd because in 1954, five congressmen were wounded on the floor when 4 terrorists opened fire from the visitor area. (Prez Carter later commuted/reduced the sentences.)
March 1, 1971 NYT: “A bomb, apparently planted by a group or person protesting against the Vietnam war, exploded early this morning in the Senate wing of the Capitol, causing extensive damage but no injuries.”
How many bombs went off Jan 6th?
Nov 7, 1983: At 10:58 p.m. a thunderous explosion tore through the second floor of the Capitol’s north wing... The force of the device blew off the door to the office of Democratic Leader Robert C. Byrd.
How many bombs went off in the Capitol on Jan 6?
“Shortly before midnight on Friday, July 2, 1915, police responded to the U.S. Capitol where an explosion had just rocked the Senate wing.”
Haven’t seen anything close to this damage from Jan 6th.
Oct 2018: Hundreds storm a US Senate building during the sacred work of confirming a Supreme Court Justice for a position that holds longer than a presidential term. 302 were arrested by Cap Hill Police; none by the Feds.
Cyber Pandemic
THE TIMES AND THE SUNDAY TIMES: Private equity power couple behind NSO spyware scandal
Private equity power couple behind NSO spyware scandal
When Stephen Peel and Stefan Kowski flew to Oregon in November 2017 to reel in investors for their new private equity fund, they did not hide their intentions. “We have to find deals that other people don’t see or don’t want to do for various reasons,” Peel told the Oregon Investment Council in a slick pitch for cash from its state pension fund. He wasn’t exaggerating. In February 2019, after a successful funding round, their new firm, Novalpina Capital, bought a majority stake in NSO Group. The
Read in The Times and The Sunday Times:
Supply Chains
Chlorine and Chemical Supply Shortage
The State Water Resources Control Board Division of Drinking Water has heard from several operators that chlorine and other chemicals are in short supply. We have also been made aware of supply chain and transportation problems that prevent chlorine/chemicals from getting to manufacturers, suppliers, and retailers. Manufacturers have declared force majeure for chemicals affected by this chlorine shortage.
If you are at risk of running out of chlorine or other chemicals without a solution to this problem, fill out the SDWA Section 1441 Application for Certification of Need from the EPA here:
War on Guns
Afghanistan Poppies
Fentanyl to replace heroin?
Wow, just read this article that’s promoting the replacement of heroin with fentanyl because it’s easier and cheaper to produce. It looks like that’s already happening in North America but now they are wanting to replace it in Asia and Europe as well where fentanyl doesn’t have the same hold as here.
Foam finger number one for American pharmaceutical companies saving us from the taliban!!!! All the while killing more people with a more addictive drug.
Noodle Gun
Vape Wars

Clips & Documents

All Clips
ABC America This Morning - anchor Andrew Dymburt - france passes law requiring so called health pass (17sec).mp3
ABC America This Morning - anchor Faith Abubey - Province Town MA nearly 70% of 551 breakthrough cases (12sec).mp3
ABC News - anchor Terry Moran - Jan 6th attack -trumpist movement has developed this alternative reality (42sec).mp3
Adler on Guns in Austin.mp3
Biden doesn’t think you two are as smart as he thought you were.mp3
Biden’s unscripted words come back to haunt him.mp3
Breakfast club wises up to vaxx indmenity.mp3
Butt wiped complete.mp3
Butt wiped ISO.mp3
Butt wiped tempo change.mp3
CBS Evening News - anchor Chris Van Cleave - pelosi republicans picked for Jan 6th hearings (51sec).mp3
CBS Evening News - anchor Norah ODonnell - close adviser to former president trump pled not guilty (20sec).mp3
CBS Evening News - anchor Norah ODonnell - jet fuel shortage (14sec).mp3
CBS Evening News - anchor Norah ODonnell - new CDC mask guidance -fauci death threats (56sec).mp3
CDC Covid Transmission HEAT Map - weird parameters.mp3
CNBC The News - anchor Shep Smith - Dr. Peter Hotez -3rd shot to unmask -N95 KN95 needed (44sec).mp3
CNN host Alisyn Camerota says the fact that CDC has people scared is the SILVER LINING to Covid delta Variant.mp3
COMIC Books One.mp3
COMIC Books two.mp3
COVID 3rd Dose 3 NPR.mp3
COVID 3rd Dose NPR.mp3
COVID 3rd Dose TWO NPR.mp3
Covid Military update.mp3
COVID Surge to go to Oct.mp3
Crypto Cougar and guest - DOJ let chinese cyber spies go free.mp3
De Blasio proclaims voluntary phase is over on COVID vaccines.mp3
Delta in LA COunty 3 guns.mp3
Delta in LA COunty One NPR.mp3
Delta in LA COunty Two NPR.mp3
Delta Rand Paul rant.mp3
Dr Robert Malone mRNA inventor -1- Exactly what he predicted Titters.mp3
Dr Robert Malone mRNA inventor -2- Antibody Dependent Enhancement it always happens.mp3
Dr Robert Malone mRNA inventor -3- Why Pfizer the worst.mp3
Dr Robert Malone mRNA inventor -4- Fauci is full of crap.mp3
Dr. Jane Ruby Exposes Toxic Metals Found in Covid Injections that are meant to murder people-00bYX5DACu0l_clip.mp3
Elisha Mohammed anti-vaxx.mp3
Exhaysted ISO.mp3
Gavin bitxhing.mp3
Geraldo thinks lesser of unvaccinated -1-.mp3
Geraldo thinks lesser of unvaccinated -2- Kick you in the ass.mp3
Inside information ISO.mp3
Kennedy v hampton dellinger.mp3
moms for liberty 2 NYD.mp3
moms for liberty NYD.mp3
MSNBC - anchor Ali Velshi – Justice Dept. says businesses can mandate the vaccine (18sec).mp3
MSNBC vaccinated pass on the Vaccine GAFFE.mp3
MSNBC – anchor Chris Hayes - Fauci breakthrough (1) can transmit to other people -new CDC guidance was needed (40sec).mp3
MSNBC – anchor Chris Hayes - Fauci breakthrough (2) vaccinated have same levels of virus as unvaccinated (57sec).mp3
NBC Nightly News - anchor Miguel Almaguer - pfizer moderna to study 5 yr olds -national mask mandate being considered (23sec).mp3
NBC Nightly News - anchor Miguel Almaguer - vaccine mandate for first federal agency -veteran affairs -CA NY mandate (31sec).mp3
NBC Nightly News - anchor Richard Engel - biden draws down troops in iraq (1min42sec).mp3
Pelosi Moran - Science Science Science.mp3
Pelosi Science x 3 Medley.mp3
Pfizer commercial - Science Will Win Protease Inhibitors (1min30sec).mp3
smoke in NYC NTD.mp3
The Germ song.mp3
TikTok covid chinese seeds meme.mp3
Two yahoos FBI six weeker npr.mp3
UN Ass Secretary General - Joyce Messuah - IPCC opening statement.mp3
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