Cover for No Agenda Show 1331: Brood X
March 21st, 2021 • 3h 36m

1331: Brood X


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John: They were amazing at tracking data. Adam Curry,
Unknown: John Dvorak,
Adam: Sunday, March 21 2021. This is your award winning Kimmel nation media assassination Episode 1331.
Unknown: This is no agenda
Adam: in the wild and broadcasting live from opportunity zone 33 here in the frontier of Austin, Texas Capitol with the drone Star State in the morning, everybody. I'm Adam Curry,
John: and from Northern Silicon Valley where we're all aware of what you're up against Indiana brood. Ken is coming on John Dvorak.
Unknown: buzzkill.
Adam: Let me guess is that an obscure sports reference? I mean, obscure to me. What? What was that?
John: The cicadas the brood? 10.
Adam: I don't know anything about this.
John: United States is when the East Coast is covered with these broods of cicadas that emerge every between 13 and 17 years on a very, very distinct pattern that Megalodon
Adam: eat everything that makes total sense in we were living in New Jersey, in the 90s. And I remember it was crazy wild one point. You walk outside and they're flying around like the like a plague of locusts. That's brutal to brood. The brood brood the brood Wow, what are they? Yeah, I
John: was in when I was working for PC Magazine. About 17 years ago. I was in Manhattan when when brewed to was brewed to takes over most of a lot of good part of the East Coast. Oh, well, the eastern seaboard, including Manhattan, although I'd say it may have been actually brewed can because it looks on the map I'm looking at here I have a keep a map of my cicadas Oh,
Adam: cicada map Oh
John: yeah. The Midtown Midtown Manhattan may be affected by Bruton
Adam: okay, but what which brood is this is this brood to 10 this is brood 10 Yeah, that's a great show title or is it used that route
John: 10 route can takes out a little bit of Eastern Illinois, almost all of Indiana will be chewed to it to the bone by half of half of Ohio a couple of spots is Southern Michigan and that's about Oh, there's also some in the Appalachian
Adam: you know, I got family in Indiana and they have not mentioned this yet.
John: Well, your family in Indiana is going to be
Adam: gonna be eating a lot. I mean, I used to have family in Indiana is what I meant until brood 10 eight them
John: when I remember I've been through a couple of these or been in I'm from California, stay in California. I don't want to deal with it. But I've been to the areas actually Texas has a little action up by the Oklahoma border. But not for brood 10 but for brood by for anyway. So I you go out there and one of these damn things will just fall out of the tree because it'd be in a way they don't know any stab no common sensors.
Adam: Are you calling them dumb?
John: So they fall out of the tree and land on? Yeah.
Unknown: Oh.
John: Horrible because
Unknown: they're big. Now
Adam: do we want to put the money down on who's going to do the first segment on television about eating the cicadas as a good source of protein and nutrition?
John: Well, it's already been done on online. Yeah, but we need mainstream to go this is a
Adam: bug topic. This is great for bugs. Bug lovers everywhere off to Indiana you go now can we just collect them? Can we deep freeze them and sell them later? I mean, this may be a free free inventory
John: page like but we'd have you know I would I'd be more comfortable making a bet such as that if we had followed the more closely where the bug stories were coming from initially. You got scattered around but I bet you there's one or two promoters bug promoters that was the the the networks that are run by the reptilians
Adam: because they just want to go into any nice upscale restaurant and get bugs.
John: I'm pretty sure that cnn is one of them.
Adam: Well, you never want to doubt your no agenda show we are always ahead of the curve. Although our future predictions are getting closer. And one week ago today, Episode 1329. I had a bold red book prediction on the show and I'd like to play a clip. Okay, okay. I am reducing it to six weeks from now. A few months six weeks so okay six weeks deadline is happening. it's unavoidable is done is over. There'll be no he's going on the road now it road is a good place to die or to stumble or to be incapacitated. I know Didn't take no joy in saying this is just obvious the stumble came less than a week after this prediction.
John: I don't think this was really an out there prediction.
Adam: But I said stumble and that I'm very proud of that
John: ice, he stumbled upon himself and then fell on his ass.
Adam: Now, I got a note from one of our producers, who was older. And he says, when you watch the whole video of Joe falling up the stairs of Air Force One, and I did watch this pay special attention to the few seconds before he starts up the stairs, focus on his left foot and ankle. It's hard to see unless you really try, it's clear he's having problems before he gets on the stairs, he's dragging his left leg, the foot actually looks a bit askew. That's why he uncustomary use the right railing to hold on for support. He never does this or never used to. Also the third fall, notice that he tries and fails to grab the left railing with his left hand his grip fails. Conclusion from our producer, who is not a doctor, it appears the left side of his body has neurological issues, possibly brain bleed from the blood thinner he's taking to prevent the recurrence of blood clots that have been documented as a result of his brain surgeries. I think this may be more serious than than just a funny moment where we could do some means of Trump hitting him with a golf ball. It might have been more serious. And quite honestly, where's the analysis?
John: Well, here's the only one I could find. And it was this is on PBS. This was Biden fall report. This is as far as it got anyplace. Nobody wants to talk about it.
Unknown: And the White House says that President Biden is fine. After stumbling as he boarded air force one this morning. He tripped twice climbing the steps to the plane and fell to his knees at one point he appeared to rubbed his left knee before continuing. And aid says that high winds may have been affected.
High winds
Adam: I got a kick out Wow. All they have no shame. it's it's it's really it's just worth noting because we'll forget how they hammered Trump over things like this. Oh, he's walking really slowly down the ramp is there's something mentally wrong with him. And all of this stuff. amendment. Oh, that's funny. Fifth Amendment he's holding on to the railing is What is wrong? Oh. And then hi wins. Oh, please. I've it's it's really, they're doing quite a job. I know. You know, I usually watch msnbc all day just to just to get the tart into me. And it's so evil what these people are doing and with with the president, they'll just tell the whole story of exactly what they want you to know. And then they'll have Biden going. Yes, I support my secretary of state and that's it. Click that back to the studio.
John: And not so with no agenda? No.
Adam: But a very disappointing that we did not get any reports about the global protest or global lockdown protests that took place yesterday. Not a single one have I seen? I don't know if you've got anything on
John: any of them. I couldn't find anything either.
Adam: Hundreds of 1000s of people in London on the street, no mass protesting. Let us out big signs. You're killing us. The Netherlands, Ireland. I mean, it was all over the world. And it was not seen. The only thing you saw was anti Asian racism, protests. All they whipped up real quick. Oh, let's talk about this. was really, really nasty.
John: Yeah, yeah, that's actually kind of pathetic. We're like,
Adam: do we want to go straight into COVID? Should we just talk for a second about the Asian Asian hate just to do mix it up a little.
John: I have the we can do that. If you want. Yes, I have the it's risky.
Adam: People tuning out there waiting for the COVID fix. I don't know what we'll find out next show. If it screws up, then we'll never do it that way again.
John: Well, no, we're gonna have to start doing it that way. Because COVID is going to pass to get out of the new cycle. Yeah. Well, no, I don't even think it's going around anymore. You know what I've decided I figured that must be what the thinking must be. is if you look at the old 1918 flu, Spanish flu pandemic, yeah, which was a real killer. And they were wearing masks and they made a big deal about they should be without masks. There's all kinds of articles about masks. And didn't do
Adam: any good. There wasn't there wasn't anti mask movement in San Francisco was
John: but then that didn't do any good either. Nothing, you know, it was just was what it was. But it was bigger to begin with they never had as flattening the curve moment. And then it kind of faded to nothing and it had a little comeback. The next year wasn't as big but it was big enough to kill a bunch of people. Right, this will be on joe biden's watch.
Adam: Well, we Yes. We'll we'll talk about that.
John: I think it's think oh, that's going to happen again. Instead of looking at what happened with SARS. SARS came SARS Well,
Adam: I think that ship has long since sailed. It's the lockdowns continue. The curfews continue more being instated, I mean, okay, since since we're talking about it might as well play this nocturnal this quickie one,
Unknown: as new Coronavirus cases rise sharply. The French government is taking action.
We decided this morning that extra measures will need to be taken in a number of regions.
But with more than 400 cases per 100,000 residents, the healthcare system and the Paris region is in crisis mode. The intensive care units are at capacity, forcing the government to transfer patients to other hospitals around the country
Adam: that does sound familiar
Unknown: decision that many patients families have opposed.
The virus is not in the control.
There are as many patients in intensive care now
and there was during the week of the second wave
when it was starting to go back down
Adam: to climate slump for more restriction more years. It's not at all starting to go back down to instead and a phase of acceleration accident. I was talking to Benjamin Bellamy on Friday. He's one of the developers podcasting 2.0 developers. He's French he lives in Paris. And this has just taken place another four week lockdown. Not sure about the curfew and in Paris itself, but you know, so they're locking down and I said What's up? He said, Everybody knows Coronavirus, saved macrons career because the yellow vests were taking him up taking them down bit by bit. And once COVID hit in the lockdowns hit no more yellow vests. He says, Oh, I think he just wants to prolong that. He's not seeing any any horrible things happening in Paris. And what is happening and what do they pull out again? Now they pull out all the hospitals, the ICU units now, no lie. We have to transport them to other hospitals. issues in the video. met a person on a stretcher with their feet hanging out their bare feet makes no sense. Please, maybe that's how they do it in France.
John: I have four clips about COVID I guess
Adam: we're doing COVID then what the hell can't we can't get away from it?
John: Well, I there's only four clips in there all about one thing. And so I started listening to these and when I was producing, I kind of came to a conclusion then I re edited what I was gonna play. And this was a series of a series of one long report that I clipped into four. And I tried out try to fill in the blanks really hard to put the whole thing together as as a complete piece. Because on PBS. It was thrown to yummy fish with the black girl. And it was about one thing and one thing only or so it seemed which was Republicans aren't taking the vaccine. Oh my god. They've done this again. Republicans are bad. They're bad and Republicans are stupid. Republicans are bad. They're stupid and they don't believe in science. Let's keep that meme going for a while even though if anyone says that's always been thrown at republicans by people who don't never been in science, they're never taken much sighs no anything but sizer science morons. Right? But let's start playing these. This is the COVID anti republican vaccine
Unknown: nearly 41 million Americans are now fully vaccinated. But as many polls show, including our recent PBS NewsHour, NPR Marist poll, one segment of the population remains steadfast in their opposition to getting a vaccine. Republicans. You Michel Cinder reports on the role that politics is playing in the effort to vaccinate America.
across the country. vaccinations are ramping up, but a new public health challenge has emerged, persuading millions of Republicans to get the shot.
I'm just not ready right now to jump in my car run out, go to my doctor or wherever I have to go and get that vaccine.
65 year old Michael Carr lives in Tulsa, Oklahoma. He's a supporter of former President Donald Trump.
And while he's
eligible to receive the vaccine, he's still not sure if he will. What's the hesitancy there?
I've never had the flu vaccine. I'm 65 years old. Probably shouldn't be getting the flu vaccine by
now. Am I chancing it? Yeah, probably. But I just have never taken the vaccine before didn't really see the need for it.
I'm kind of in that same boat with COVID-19.
Adam: Tina pointed out to me this morning. She said no, you guys talking about how the media is politicizing the vaccination, said I'd like to remind you that it was Camilla Harris who first started saying, Oh, it's Trump vaccine. I'm not taking it. I'm not taking it. Have we forgotten that?
John: Oh, do we still have that clip? I have forgotten it. Now what
Adam: it meant was looking what it might have been one of your clips. But I cannot find a camela vaccine at all. I mean, it's probably not that hard to find. But when we we know. We know. That's what she was saying. She was up there. Yeah,
John: I remember that. That was pretty suspect at the time.
Adam: Well, golly, it was it was at the time when it was off. It's a Trump thing. It's no good. I wouldn't trust it. And he's rushing stuff through.
John: Yeah, I don't know why she's changed her tune. So let's go into the COVID. Anti republican part two.
Unknown: He says anti vaccine sentiments already existed in the fringes of both the Democratic and Republican parties. But in recent years, this movement has resonated most with conservatives who are skeptical of
the government initially began in Orange County, California in response to a measles epidemic there the California legislature, closed vaccine exemptions, and that kind of ignited this first, politicization, but it was really in Texas, where it found a home to amplify
that we have over 72,000 kids in Texas, denied access to their vaccinations.
And he says this movement, right at the national spotlight,
candidate Donald Trump spread a well known falsehood
about vaccines were just the other day, two years old, two and a half years old, the child, the beautiful child, went to have the vaccine and came back and a week later got a tremendous fever, got very, very sick now is autistic, the underestimated false hood powerful This is and the deadly consequences that it's had for the American people, not only around anti vaccine, but actually against science. More broadly, because this is what led to defiance of mass and social distancing. The anti science platform is now mainstream with the Republican Party.
Adam: Science, Science, Science is always science, you can turn your penis into a vagina now. There you go, science. I got Kamla Harris would not
Unknown: trust Donald Trump. And it would have to be a credible source of information that talks about the the efficacy and the and the reliability.
Adam: So that's one that was the CNN exclusive and here she is again. See,
Unknown: if the Trump administration approves the debate before after the election, should Americans take it? And would you take it?
If the
public health professionals if Dr. Fauci if the doctors tell us that we should take it I'll be the first in line to take it.
But if Donald Trump tells us that we should take it, I'm not taking it.
John: There you go. Okay, well, that's interesting. That's not quite was not.
Adam: Not quite, we're looking fine.
John: But it's more interesting because she's the one now her and Biden both what isn't Trump? Tell us to take it? Why doesn't Trump tell us to take it?
Adam: Because then no one will take it? You did?
John: Because you told him so she says that of Trump says to take it don't take it. Yeah. So this is good. Good messaging. By the way. I liked it when he got lured jab in there on Texas. And that last clip,
Unknown: yeah, nice. Yeah, we're
John: doing now it's being somehow it's being withheld. That's not true. No, that's a lie. Most of these reports are lying. That was frank luntz, by the way, she was talking to him that he did a whole bunch of he's all in that guy.
Adam: That guy's very well, he's tried phone. He's trying to find other other customers. I think I think he kind of fell through and as a Republican pollster, and now he has to go find some other customers,
John: especially when his first poll during the Trump era when he was running when Trump was first getting his legs under him. Yeah, he was anti Trump but to an extreme to the point of rigging the numbers so okay. So I'm, I'm listening this this is going on, by the way, we're about 10 minutes into it. And I'm thinking what, and then they when they play the last part it was after I contemplated the parts were gonna play that I realized what they're what they're up to. Uh huh. This is not about getting anybody Any Republicans to take the vaccine is to shore up the Democrats, the one that one part of the democratic party that isn't taking the vaccine and they don't trust the government. That's the blacks. This is all about message. That's why l sindoor. Did the report. This is messaging solely to the blacks game, a black voter black democrat voter. I know you're not taking the vaccine, but those damn Republicans aren't taking it there and we're going to show you they're idiots. They're stupid. We just call them stupid. You don't want to be a dumb Republican, Delia. You're not a dumb Republican. Ah, you're not in Texas with those other dumb Republicans who don't trust the government?
Adam: Well, let's let's well hold on a second. So on one hand, in order to if they're truthful, they want to help all color Americans into we're talking color, but okay, the blacks who have historical reasons to not want it and just don't trust it and are conspiratorial and right on. So they think that by disparaging another group, that that's going to get republicans that that's going to get African Americans to take the vaccine and is nothing else working. Is this the last resort, the
John: anti Association methodology? You don't want to associate with them, do you? You don't want to be like them. And when it was horrible, dumb Republican, right.
Adam: And Republican, of course, now is just code for white supremacist.
John: Yeah. Your white supremacist? Yeah,
Adam: yeah. Shit.
John: So that's what they were point and good catch. I've got the two clips to prove it. All right. Here are the clips where they actually start, thought they'd save shift the conversation. To Well, you know, there's one group of people that don't also the black communities doesn't seem to be too interested. So let's listen to the COVID anthropometry. Three blacks A, this is a is for the for them. No, don't play that. Sorry. Q. Play Q. This is the question I have for you. I have a question for you right at the end of this question clip.
Unknown: That's creating a perception that black Americans simply don't want the vaccine according to Cheryl Grylls, she's a clinical psychologist at Loyola Marymount University.
you know, people accept the argument that it's hesitancy that, you know, is the reason why we see such low numbers, then you don't have to go and look for other possible competing, you know, causes. It then distracts us from looking at the real reasons that black folks are not getting vaccinated at the rates. They shouldn't be in this country.
Adam: No,
John: the who was this who was talking? That woman should have a professor, black professor from Marymount Loyola. And she's talking about well, if you just think that the black community doesn't want to take no, you're missing the point. There's there's reasons there's reasons other than hesitancy. No. And then the hesitancy is a bogus excuse to make us not look at the reasons there's real reasons. Yeah. Okay, well, I'm asking you, you do a show with a with Moe. What are the reasons? What are the real reasons? What are the real reasons that the black community is not taking this shot
Adam: historical experimentation by the United States girl
John: you're talking about? No, no, that's a myth that she said herself. This is a myth. This is the excuse you're using not to see the real reason
Adam: second reason very religious.
John: Man, you're, you're been suckered not seeing the real reason?
Adam: Well, now I got to think about the real reason.
John: You don't have to think too long. Because just about Trump.
Adam: How about just Trump? Can I just say Trump is the answer,
John: almost
Unknown: at the rate they should be in this country. It's not about hesitancy. It's about access. In addition to access, it's about having clear and credible messaging about the vaccines safety just talked to us. I probably needed to separate my reaction to the government involvement in this and look at just the science. I'm a frank
luntz says the same effort is also needed to convince Trump supporter to take the vaccine.
Adam: So what they're saying is there's no access just like no access to racism.
Yeah, but there's no access to IDs, there's no DMV to get the vaccine. This is bullcrap
Unknown: that you think
Adam: a lot of the testing centers and the vaccination centers in New York go to Harlem, that's where they are.
John: So here's what you saw this long report with me holding down the fort. is all a boy is a scam to get. The joke is, of course, I don't know. I don't know any Any black people that watch PBS NewsHour with Judy, just to see ameesha i don't think so To be honest,
Adam: I don't know any people who watch the PBS news Yeah, no, I yeah, one one you're the only guy I know.
John: So I just thought watch this whole thing and realize that what this is new anti republican thing is just to get the black community getting just to separate them out get right into you know, it'd be a Republican. Yeah, these guys, they're a bunch of races. They know they're stupid. They're dumb. They don't like science. They don't even believe in science. believable.
Adam: Okay, we got to keep our eye on that. But again, are they do they really care? Has a missive gotten? I think sincerity does exist. Okay, so then they must be sincere about it. What an interesting way to approach it is if we can't, we can't use
John: you actually summarized it best early on. When I first brought the thesis to the fore. You said? Are they that hard up for a rationale? Yeah, that they're pulling this out of a hat?
Adam: Yeah, I guess apparently they are. I mean that over it. Apparently, in the UK. They're still using old school tactics, which is appreciated because it's much more fun to laugh at. You know, click the Show, click. That's their computer. Come on. It's been on forever. And I welcome to BBC click. Really? Oh, well, it's been on for, gosh, maybe 20 years now. I think I remember they interviewed me when I was doing podcasting, The original podcast anyway. So it's a it's kind of like this week in tech, only done by the BBC. And the BBC has to be good stewards of the new rules based global order, also known as New World Order, they have to promote the vaccine. And well, the host of this show that they deserve a bonus for this one.
Unknown: Welcome to click, I would like to share with you some personal joy. If I may. I was getting ready to film the program this morning when I got the best text message that I think I've received in years, inviting me to get my first dose of the
Congratulations. I presume you acted on it.
Sure. Did. took about three or four clicks, I think and I'm booked him for later this afternoon. So it was easy. I did that. Then I had a big cry.
Adam: So I did all that. And then I had
John: this guy, what's wrong with him? Yeah, well,
Unknown: I got it. I
Adam: had a big cry cry.
John: What reminds me, I've just this isn't aside, there's the story going around about and Boris Johnson getting the shot. And I'm looking at this. And I'm thinking why is he getting the shot? He's had the disease.
Adam: Well, there's he was hospitalized. You don't know the science man. You don't know the science, the sciences? There's 20% you get reinfected. You just don't know the science. Yeah, there's a reason
John: where I have I have
Adam: the science. I have the science from Good Morning America. And mind you, they will read the source of all science. Yes. And the source of all means, or at least m five m means they're bringing they're bringing a term to the forefront, which is being used consistently. And we may have some ideas as to why
Unknown: and Dr. Jenn there was a new study out last night. Yeah, a lot of people want to know, those who have been infected with COVID-19. does it provide any protection going forward? Yep. And this is definitely encouraging just published in The Lancet. So take a look at what this was research done in Denmark, where they are amazing tracking data. They found Pete
Adam: Is that true? Is Denmark amazing at tracking data?
John: Is what science these are the so called science science science people is this is this amazing tracking data.
Unknown: Is this something we should be aware of bunch of kids like seventh
John: graders Do
Adam: they have some? And well, I'm curious, is there something we're missing that no,
John: they're amazing being happy here happy here they are. Number
Unknown: one, yeah,
amazing. Attracting data. They found people who have been naturally infected with COVID had 80% protection against reinfection. But there was a qualifier. It depended on their age. This was in people under the age of 65. When you looked at 65 or older, that protection was still good, but it dropped to 47% good news is that this immune protection these antibodies persisted for at least six months. That is really encouraging. However,
John: here's what I mean for for boosters. Oh, yes is a scam story. It's all
Unknown: over the place. really encouraging. However, here's the caveat, this study did not include variants, because when they were tracking this data, the circulating virus was the wild type not these new variant.
Adam: Okay, so this wild type,
John: hold on a second, this stops up first and back up to the days and there's how many people in den right? How bad do you have to feel? And I really doubt this is true enough so that you can get statistical data from it. How many people in date and Denmark, especially the older ones who turns out their their reliability is not that good. First of all, you can't do a double blind study on somebody being reinfected because you can't prove any of what they said. You can't prove it, right. But how many people are getting the disease to baby three times? Actually, this doesn't make any sense. whole thing is bogus.
Adam: Well, okay, so here's the data points. In order to move towards the booster, and you're correct, it's all six months, six months here, six months there, we need to make a very clear distinction between the variants which nothing is known about because the infectivity rate, all of that of the variance has only been demonstrated in lab settings. It is not, there's no study that shows this. There's nothing in the wild that they but but in the wild is for a reason. First of all, I think if you say in the wild, it sounds more like it came from a wet market than it came from a lab. I just think that's in general. In the wild, wild in the wild. Oh,
John: hold on. I think you're dead on this one. Because I've noticed that they've been saying they haven't been saying in the wild as much as they've been saying, saying the wild version. Yes,
Adam: I think I have this here from CNN,
John: the CDC and the World Health Organization weighed in late yesterday on two new variants, first detection, California, the CDC call them quote, variants of concern, what we know so far about,
Adam: you and I are also variants of concern, john,
John: we are a couple of various concern. There's
Unknown: variants that are found that are more transmissible than the what we call the wild type virus viruses currently circulating. It's interesting with these, we knew that the you know, there'll be more and more variants as the virus circulates more and more. But when you have a variant like this, the thing you're trying to figure out is a is it more transmissible? And B, how do the antibodies that the vaccine generates are the antibodies that someone who's infected generate work against these these variants, and what they're finding is that the, the antibodies still seem to work well, but there's a reduced effect from these antibodies against the variants. This is all done on a lab. So it's hard to know what that really means for individuals. But I think what we're learning is an over and over again, is that these variants, while they're not escaping the immunity given by a vaccine, that is increasingly the concern, we haven't seen it yet, if that were the case would be called a virus, I'm sorry, a variant of high consequence. We haven't seen that yet. But that's what they're monitoring for.
Adam: Now, the whole the whole reason that this is now being pushed, is because of what you did not see of Rand Paul. And what you did not see a Rand Paul, what we all saw was the mask thing, and were yelling back and forth with Fauci and Ben Paul, but slammed him was good, man. Let's just listen to that. So we can remind everybody what the meme was, and not what the real news was,
Unknown: if you could respond to the question so that we could all understand the difference between the vaccine in
Adam: the right one doesn't matter. You also, it'll come it's coming up here. It all started with the bullshit about the mask. What actually happened, and I'm going to play the preceding audio, first of what the real conversation was about, which you did not see because it was about the wild versus variants and reinfection and that no evidence exists whatsoever. And that's what Rand Paul was hammering on.
John: I'm sorry, I should mention, we had a clip with a woman who did the research who did all looked at all the papers about these variants. And she drew them over her head saying these are all bogus, because it just is just lab lab lab work. Somebody saw in a lab, they made a lab for Sanjay Gupta
Adam: just said that in that report, he said, Well, we don't really know it's all in the lab. I don't really know. That's not supposed to be said, by the way. Sanjay, someone sent him a memo. He's got to shut up about that stuff. Alright, so here's, here's what you did not hear. Senator Rand Paul and Dr. Fauci Shane Crotty of
Unknown: our virologists at La Jolla Institute for immunology concludes from his experiments that the amount of immune memory gained from natural infection would likely prevent the vast majority of people from getting hospitalized disease severe disease for many years. In this study, which was published in Science Dr protein showed that antibody levels stayed relatively constant with only modest declines over six to eight months. Dr. Crotty reported that, notably memory B cells specific for the spike protein or RBD, were detected in almost all COVID-19 cases with no apparent HalfLife had five to eight months
after infection.
In other words, Dr. Crotty found significant evidence of long term immunity after COVID infection. Furthermore, Dr. Crotty noted B cell memory to some other infections has been observed for as long as 60 plus years after smallpox vaccination, or even 90 years after natural infection with influenza that was a woman who got the Spanish Flu still showed immunity 90 years later.
Adam: So this is why you did not see this. We need to push the variant story the six month run off after six months. Even if you've had it, you need to go get a booster. They are pure skated this, the mainstream media didn't show it to you. And I'm including Fox News didn't show that to you. This is this is propaganda by obfuscation. So this is what you saw.
Unknown: You're telling everybody to wear a mask whether they've had an infection or a vaccine. What I'm saying is they have immunity and everybody agrees to have immunity. What studies do you have, that people that have had the vaccine or have had the infection are spreading the infection if we're not spreading the infection, isn't it just theater? No, it's not vaccine and you weren't to mask? Isn't that theater?
Now? That's not here we go again, with the theater. Let let's get down to the facts. Okay, this studies that you quote from karate, and set a look at in vitro examination of memory immunity, which in their paper, they specifically say this does not necessarily pertained to the actual protection. It's in vitro and what
study Can you point to that shows reinfection? There are no studies that show this
let me let me finish the response to your question, if you please. The other thing is that when you talk about reinfection, and you don't keep in the concept of variance, that's an entirely different ballgame. That's a good reason for a mask in the South African study conducted by Jay and Jay, they found that people who were infected with wild type and were exposed to the variant in South Africa that 351 It was as if they had never been infected before they had no protection. So when you talk about reinfection, you've got to make sure you're talking about a wild type.
Adam: And of course, that didn't actually happen. He's lying. It's all lab studies. There's no there's the South African study in the lab. So that's what you were supposed to hear. And by the way,
John: that was the Johnson and Johnson study, I'd hardly call them independent.
Adam: here's the here's just a follow up on the mass. But I want to I want everyone to understand that's what's going on here is they have no proof. And just just like we kind of obviously concluded that the reason why there could be no treatment is because we needed the emergency use authorization for the vaccines, any treatment that is already approved as something that will not kill you is very dangerous to the pharmaceutical biosecurity state. Because then, you know, they can't roll out their vaccine, and now they want to keep it going. We heard the Pfizer CFO say, Oh, yeah, no, I was looking up, we'll do a third shot boosters every year, maybe boosters every six months is going to be great. Yeah, because of the variants, not the wild virus, you know, the one from the, from the wet market, the variants,
Unknown: if you could respond to the question so that we could all understand the difference between the vaccine in controlling the wild type versus the variants that are out there. And the reason for wearing a mask? I'd
appreciate it.
Yeah. I mean, yes. First of all, when you have a variant, you have an immunity that you get what's convalescing Sara and the same sort of thing. If I vaccinate you or me against the wild type, you get a certain level of antibody that's specific for a particular viral strain. If there's a circulating variant, you don't necessarily have it, you have some spillover immunity to be sure. But you diminish by anywhere from two to eight fold the protection. So the point i'm saying is that there are variants in now circulating the point that Senator Paul was making was that if you look at wild type only, there is some clear cut credence to what he's saying. But we are living right now in a situation where we're having a dominance of 117, which was the original UK, we have a very troublesome variant in New York City of five to six. We've got two variants in California, a four to seven, four to nine and we have a number of others. So We're not dealing with a static situation of the same virus. That was the only point I'm making. Okay, thank
Adam: you very much total horse crap. And I thought you weren't supposed to say where it comes from, that's racist or Messiah or Zena phobic,
John: whatever it is there's variant 33.
Adam: So I realized, as I was going through the stories of the AstraZeneca, there's an obvious connection to this being banned everywhere that we overlooked. And, you know, this first started in Norway, where they stopped stop vaccination with the AstraZeneca vaccine, because they thought it was blood clots. In fact, I have here Norwegian researchers, the AstraZeneca vaccine was the cause of the blood clots, and many more countries have stopped using it. And then all of a sudden, it hit me. Oh, hello. Of course, we had to get rid of this. Of course, it's not just the AstraZeneca AstraZeneca fact, let me read from the Wikipedia page. This is the Oxford AstraZeneca vaccine. And it was our very own Bill Gates, Dr. Bill, who had said early on, hey, you know, Oxford if you really want to be on the stage with us, then you got to find a big partner and and Dr. Bill, it's even in Wikipedia, wanted Oxford to team up with Merck. But they made a mistake of going with AstraZeneca and it's perfect in light of the United Kingdom and the European Union. Haha, you idiot. We don't want your vaccine. Go sit there with your Brexit you shitheads and your crappy ass vaccine. And I think that's the undertone of this Dortch Avila interview with the Vice President of the European Parliament. We are
Unknown: now joined by Catarina Bali. She's a member of Germany's Social Democrats and also Vice President of the European Parliament, Mrs. Bali, this is just the latest setback in a whole series of setbacks. Is it time to admit that the US vaccination strategy is failing?
Well, this is not a new phenomenon, because there are also countries outside of the European Union, who are now abandoning, at least for a certain time, vaccination with AstraZeneca, for example, Norway, or Iceland. And there are countries within the European Union who don't so which is not
Adam: nice deflection,
Unknown: something that has really to do with the European Union. Although I must admit, I would have liked this to be to have a European approach to really get together. Also to put together your expertise of the different member states, I think there could have been an added European value.
But why if we're looking at it, why why bother to have this European Medicines Agency that actually says to the national governments do not stop vaccinations? And you have the national authorities decide to stop vaccinations? That doesn't make sense, does it?
Well, you have to know that the competences for health policy obliged the national member states so. So there is very little author authority that the European Union can impose on the member states. And this is a very emotional topic. So if you have one country that says all for us, the risk seems to be too high. And and then well, doesn't doesn't use the vaccination anymore. The pressure rises for the others, of course, because the population is saying, well, there's a danger.
Adam: Yeah, Who could that benefit? I wonder? Oh,
John: also what has to happen is the disarmed media, then 5am is so handcuffed by the pharmaceutical companies Yeah, that they can't do any thing that tells any story whatsoever this even remotely true about drugs in general. And it's not five, just Pfizer, but it's all of them. Because the date was so much of the income of the New York Times and the rest and the networks, the TV networks in particular. Most of their income for the nightly news comes from drug companies. So they don't, they will not explore any of this because oh my god, we're gonna lose something. Because, you know, they're all ganging up on us and they all take their money away, even though there's a lot of different companies that promise, but it's part of a cabal. Oh, yeah. And it's ruining the information in this country. These these news organizations have got to stop taking this money.
Adam: A meta analysis of clinical trials of ivermectin to treat COVID-19 infection, Dr. Andrew Hill University of Liverpool. This was a World Health Organization sponsored review of ivermectin trials indicates 83% reduction in COVID Morton So this is this is out there. And this is a problem again, we can't have emergency youth authorization if we if we have approved treatments, Australia's only
John: 3% reduction in mortality, yet you look at the numbers differently. That's like 400,000 of the Americans dead, supposedly, that 500 over 500,000 dead, that means we would have saved 400,000 lives. If the news media had done its job. The news media is directly responsible for the murder of 400,000 innocent Americans by their inability to actually report the facts.
Adam: That's a good point. Now we know it's not really 400,000 from this, but we'll just use
John: their data using government numbers. Well, you
Adam: know, it's not government numbers. That's Johns Hopkins numbers. Just so you know, on what CNN and MSNBC john
John: Horgan, CIA, whatever, right.
Adam: Australia is moving on ahead just nicely though. They're not taking any chances on variant being story to continue injecting human resources
Unknown: because they know community transmission of Coronavirus in Victoria, but another virus is doing the rounds and children are being hit the worst. These brothers were both diagnosed with RSV except to date cough
It reminded
me of he woke up and we thought he was having an asthma attack. respiratory syncytial virus or RSV is very common and contagious and causes infections of the respiratory tract. Doctors say there's been a spike in RSV and a similar Rhino virus.
Adam: Isn't this all just common colds, RSV. rhinovirus, RSV
John: Yes, common colds.
Unknown: Yeah, well, it
would not like the common cold symptoms are similar to those of Coronavirus. Professionals put the recent rise of RSV and rhinovirus down to weakened immune systems. Doctors say the lengthy lockdown combined with mask wearing protected most of this from germs last year. The advice is to get vaccinated against the flu, wear a mask if flu like symptoms are present.
Adam: So just easing the flu. Keep wearing your mask, get another shot, keep it rolling. We need some ads on TV boys COVID-19 has changed our lives.
Unknown: For us to live more freely, we
need the added protection of COVID-19 vaccines are experts talking carefully that the clinical trial results along with all the data on quality and manufacturing of vaccines. We only will approve vaccines when we have enough evidence
they work from a bear safe, the rollout of the vaccines will be available in batches. So we're making sure they go to where they are needed first, to keep up to date visit authorized by the Australian Government camera
Adam: sounds just like nothing's wrong. Sounds all good. Go get you access. Yeah, go get your vaccine. The problem that's taking places is the brainwashing where people truly believe that they're given freedom and odds just we'll just have to wear a mask for a little bit. just the beginning. It's you know, once everyone's vaccinated, everybody has to be vaccine, you heard the BBC click host. Oh, oh, it's the best the best text message I've received in years in maybe three years. And I had a little cry. And they're gonna be so disappointed when they find out his total bullcrap or worse, but the pressure that is going to be put in society versus to real disappointment. The pressure that's being put on people and how it's being communicated in the workplace is where the real issues are going to come about. Just one of our producers, his wife, his wife's company CEO did a company call, and they gladly recorded it for us so we could listen to kind of how the pressure works. And I think this is saddening, really, when you hear it, it's the CEO telling everybody, you know, you kind of got to get the shot.
Unknown: I want to be able to run the company in a way that we're all involved and here and engaged, and we need to so to do that we need to be vaccinated, and I kind of beat around the bush, you know, we don't, we don't blame it on our kids all the vaccines, chickenpox, polio, tetanus, measles. This is another one, we all get it. So there's 100 million people in America have had at least just under 100. He has about 80, who have been heavily some form of vaccination. Over 100 million doses and title have been handed out. Nobody's gotten sick or died significantly from it. Nobody can trace one deer from anybody who's actually been vaccinated or raised all kinds of stuff in the idea that but you got to lift your head up out of the weeds and take a look and go, I can materially make a difference for those around us and we can get back to being around the office. Without mass hanging out. And so we had a good year doesn't mean anything's guaranteed for this year. And we've got to get back on on a more structured set up. And I want a company that's, you know, got a lot of people here involved and working in a schedule that work through to you. So I hope you got the point, we need to get vaccinated. So if you get any challenges with it, I'm opening, I opened as chatting about it. But you know, where I'm coming from.
Adam: I mean, this is horrible. pressure that comes from this is requiring
John: you to take an experimental vaccine,
Adam: which is, which is illegal in the United States that have have it in the show notes, the Food and Drug Administration, emergency use authorization, it cannot require anything under emergency use as mandatory employers cannot do that, which includes schools.
John: And I had a thought suits are waiting
Adam: for I had a thought about this. I don't think that I mean, we're gonna get some version of a vaccine passport, but it's so convoluted. There's everyone in Silicon Valley and other Silicon Valley's around the world is jumping on this trying to have the definitive app, nothing's going to be compatible. We saw all these, these efforts fall apart, and there were some open source projects. And then there was a consortium here, now the airlines are trying to do their version of it. So it's a complete cluster. But just the, if you're just confident, and it's no way to really check any of the current paperwork. In fact, this report led me to a thought that might that we might want to implement
Unknown: was this you after you got your COVID-19 shot? First, you land the appointment, then get the vaccine relief, pure joy, the experts say whatever you remote, share how you feel. But keep your vaccination record card to yourself. The bad guys are stealing them from your social media, and using them to commit the latest crime of opportunity. This card is for all practical purposes, worthless, because it's so easy to forge Professor fraud Bill cressy from Governor State University says the problems are threefold. First, each one bears your name and date of birth, it's a great starting point for criminals trying to steal your identity with that piece of information, you can actually, you know, go into the dark web, go into social media sites and get the other pieces you need, including your social security number.
So you're you're handing over potentially to identity thieves, one of the numbers on that tumbler lock that can access your identity.
Adam: Right. Okay, so this I think that's just that just tells us that there's going to be ways that you identify yourself. And just like the testing, PCR and
John: rap before you continue, when people tell it is their birthday, is finding somebody his birth date, his driver's license, his user ID it's all over the place. It can be taped, you know, this can be captured very easily when I have to wine drop off if take a picture of my driver's license when the because they can't the stores are closed. This is this is that this one loan aspect of it that birthday, as a as one of the keys of the puzzle of identity theft is pretty lame.
Adam: The reason they have this report is I think for different reasons. They don't want forgeries, which we talked about in the last show. for entertainment purposes only we had a PDF print ready PDF of a vaccination card. Now what is he now what if there was a website, let's just say because we need to, we need to have something where you can just get by live your life without people questioning you. And let's say there's a website vaccination, which I thought when I registered that I thought it signed to kind of official. And when you go there, you type in a few things. You know your name, and it doesn't really matter what else you put in there. And then you hit go. It then creates a printable image that includes a QR code. It's an and this is easy to generate these QR codes on the fly. So it's a picture that you can then put on your screen as if it's an app. And it says, you know, like I got the shot and it has the QR code. And anyone who doubts it can scan the QR code from your phone it takes you to vaccination where you see the original paper version of your vaccination card that would convince anybody
John: I agree that it would work. So I'm just thinking it has to go this way, though. Okay. Okay. Because of the legal implications. Oh, yeah.
Adam: This is for entertainment purposes only john, I, I think we're safe.
John: I don't think you need to go. I don't think you need to do that.
Adam: I think the QR code is important.
John: The QR code would be the everything that you said is perfect, except the basis, okay. And it's the basis doesn't need to be for entertainment purposes, because then is really good. People figure that out too quick. This is a this is the only way this should be done. And this is a legitimate way it can be done. It's a legal way it can be done. And they would go with exactly what you have the same thing, same case, the same. Everything. It's voluntary. You voluntarily put this information on because the HIPAA rules you have to yourself voluntarily say whether or not and it's an honesty program, whether or not you've had the vaccine when you got it, where you got it from go into the registry, voluntarily with this information that you have provided voluntarily that
Adam: which we have no no knowledge of just your voluntary nothing
John: to do. We can't
Adam: even ask you. It's HIPAA. We can't ask you if you've had a shot or not. You rarely
John: say that.
Adam: Yes, yes. And
John: paperwork has generated yellow QR code.
Adam: And it's something you can stick right on your phone vaccination If anyone wants to build that application, I'll point the DNS to it. Meanwhile, there is some other interesting vaccine news, the Daily Mail, take it for what it's worth in the United Kingdom. They report on an interesting study amongst 40 male patients, it turns out injecting men with the progesterone reduces the severity of COVID-19. So guys get in line. gets to get your progesterone on. There was this. I know it's it's really funny. There was another thing here.
John: Yeah.
Adam: For that for people who are getting tested. We got a note from sir bill in Osaka about the Japanese gargling.
John: Yes. read that. And
Adam: in which one of our other producers said you know, the Japanese don't get it. You know, in fact, the numbers just came out. Their death rate went down in 2020. less people died in 2019. In Japan. How does that work? Sir bill says I worked in a power plant outside Tokyo for a couple of months back in 2017 was January until March timeframe. So flu season every day during the safety meeting, they would mention how many people had the flu and reminded us to gargle and wash our hands. They had a dispenser of Japanese Listerine in the bathroom, and a ton of little cups. These were temporary offices slash bathrooms for the power plant out and so even even so it was a full bathroom not porta Johns. They even had the full like Japanese electric toilets. So that sounds like they have some information we don't and then another producer sent me an article New York Times article from 1971. And there was an you may remember this I don't I was a white 71 I probably just about moving to the Netherlands. The Federal Trade Commission today accused the maker of Listerine mouthwash of falsely claiming that the product cured prevented or lessened colds and sore throats. So early on, this is an early Big Pharma move. where someone didn't like what they were claiming about the common cold the statement kills germs by millions on contact represents contrary to the fact that the ability of Listerine to kill germs is of medical significance in the prevention. So in
1977 Listerine after the so what is this? Now it's six years of fighting this had to agree to the following in its next $10 million worth of advertisements, which at the time was quite a bit actually. The makers of Listerine mouthwash must tell consumers that the product quote will not help prevent colds or sore throats or lessen their severity. And they must have done that.
John: They must have done that. It's interesting. Yeah, because Listerine if you look at the ingredients and everything that goes on with it has been around for 100 years. And so it's pretty much a patent medicine, you know, like aspirin. Yeah. does all that.
Adam: Yep. They weren't allowed to say
John: And if you think about the way they do their testing when you get back in that part of the throat way in the back there, there's a reason you want to get back there but gargling it because I don't gargle anymore but I used to gargle at. gargling would you know forced come at some of the Listerine around and into the back areas there waiting maybe some bacteria or bacteria viruses. Interesting that would Yeah, the big pharma move they're just practicing early now. Now Kenya that net can prove it.
Adam: The Big Pharma move in the Netherlands. Of course I'm keeping a close eye on my doctor, my doctor my daughter still has curfew and everyone's pretty depressed over there. And again, you had the cops beating old people spraying him like bugs in Dutch people can't there. They are in shock. I think they a lot of them have PTSD that they don't understand. This is not how I'm that's not how it's supposed to work. And now the inspection the Health and Human Services inspectors are warning that we have come to the knowledge that there are doctors prescribing hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin, we are coming to find you. This is only for hospital use. Even though we have study saying it works. Oh no, you cannot prescribe that analysis.
John: blister pack in India go out and make a killer two bucks, which is a bunch of Iver mechanisms zinc and some couple other pills of other sorts. I for $2.02 bucks. This is the problem if you ever can't retire you got to keep mentioning the numbers $2 ivermectin is a is a drug this long since a patent is used as as a as a dog and horse wormer has a lot of uses that people have rosacea. Use the cream on their face and it wipes it out. And my wife is has rosacea. She's always been fighting with decay, having to take antibiotics and everything else for a lot of women have rosacea. Especially if you have a couple of kids for some reason. Yeah. And the ivermectin cream. Yes, you can get from anywhere for nothing that wipes it out. Yep, that's right.
Adam: Everybody should have a tube. Well, it's getting real good here. We now have more stories of COVID dogs who can will not COVID dogs but dogs who can detect Coronavirus or someone who has COVID I should say Thailand has successfully trained dogs to sniff out COVID-19 in seconds. Then we have we have a new TV show which is coming on very soon. I don't know if you've heard about this. It's one of your favorite favorite series you
Unknown: bio detection unit COVID k dine
That's right.
Adam: COVID canine is on the case gonna sniff out the COVID anywhere you are. But here's what I can't place. The same time we hear that dogs can detect COVID now we have major curtain This is from Science Magazine. major major Coronavirus variant found in pets for the first time. So which is it? Are they great at sniffing it out and detecting it or are they passing it on to people does the does the dog get it then give it to someone and say roof he's got it. Don't think you can have it both ways. Texas a&m University detected to be 117 variant in a cat and the dog from the same home.
John: They're just grasping at straws,
Adam: grasping at straws. And regardless, if one of these days we'll we'll really learn what this mRNA medical devices which is cloaked as a vaccine, it is by definition, not a vaccine. I put all the informed consent that you know if you enter the United States, the law on informed consent is unreadable. That's why I put it in the show notes. It's it's just crazy. What constitutes informed consent and as far as I can tell, we've not come anywhere close but there's all kinds of exceptions etc. So what exactly does Mr. Na do? And for this, maybe we just go back to a little over a year ago. It was the axel Springer awards. It's a very odd award show and I think it was really just a television show built around getting Elan musk on the television show very futuristic and they spent a lot of money typical thing Axel Springer, Isn't he the the media mogul? Isn't that why?
John: We're like Springer.
Adam: Yeah, I think it's Springer. Axel Springer. Isn't that the in the media
John: If it's the same guy, sure,
Adam: yeah, it's in Germany. So they, so they invite Ilan on any other talking about his futuristic stuff is starlink and his neuro link and you name it, and then that Ilan starts talking about mRNA mRNA which we've only really learned about it since Dr. Bill explained to us that how it works and Dr. fouch and everyone says is great, but here's what Elan Musk said about it just a year ago. I think there's gonna be a lot of breakthroughs on the medical front particularly around the synthetic mRNA so that you can basically do anything with synthetic RNA DNA
Unknown: is why it's like a computer program so
I mean, I think with enough with with that with effort that's not too crazy you could probably stop aging with it if you want
these basic journey you can turn someone into a freedom butterfly if you want with
the right DNA sequence. So
Caterpillar is doing
Adam: so you can basically turn a person into a butterfly with mRNA now I'm sure he's exaggerating a little bit but when he says it's the it's like a software program I've heard others say it's the operating system for the for the human body I don't think people understand what's going on
John: well we don't know he's not a doctor
Adam: if he does no no he's not he's not he's not a rocket scientist
John: either super unless we gotta realize these people Ben Gates is in the same league superstar business guy really knows how to do get the right people to do the work and bring them together making company happen and he can do it over and over again musk and Gates is is no slouch in that regard. Only he's decided to go into a different slightly different direction but still management and he doesn't know jack shit about anything except making the company bigger and making money that this document of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has never gone down he's where's the money keeps getting bigger interesting.
Adam: Well they make they invest and they make money on their scams. That's what that's what it's a
John: new way of somewhere along the line bill of light bulb Blaine went off over his has a you know, with one of these foundations, you can make a lot more money than you can with a corporation. And you get people like you. I'd like to he's been on television. 10 times more than he's ever been when he was the head of Microsoft.
Adam: Yeah. Well, he drew the short straw just like Soros. You know, these are the guys in the elites like all right, who's gonna go tell everybody gates Your turn? And hey, who's going to disrupt countries with with a little bit of cash, George, you go for it. You got to think it's that way these these guys aren't they're working for somebody. They're they're not at the top of the list. I just don't doesn't make any sense to me.
John: I think it's like more like a cell. You just kind of work on your own. You know, you're doing the right thing. If there's no meeting orders from anyone,
Adam: there's no backroom secret handshake
John: thing. So it's just like, yeah, I'm invited the right parties in the you know, you're doing the right thing. Unlike us. Yeah, we know parties, invite any parties.
Adam: I got used to, oh, well, back in the day. Sure. I have enough memories. That's good. For me. It's all kind of repetitive. After a while. I'd like to talk about this Asian because this is, you know, besides the variants in the wild, we tried to start off with the Asian stuff. Which was totally co opted just to revisit, we had a guy who shot up multiple massage parlors, six of the eight killed were Asian women. Even though the guy said, this was about my sex addiction, and this is what he told the cops. Yeah, it was immediately spawn as ratio is a racial killing.
John: And then they had to make it racial. Because they get this. They're promoting like you said earlier, they're promoting this Asia thing. Yeah. And the media is the one pushing it. I have never noticed that much. Well, I do have the original reports that I promised the last show. Yeah,
Adam: let's do that. And I just want to point out that the president and vice president they hopped on Well, the President tried to get in the plane and they flew off to Georgia to Atlanta right away to do a whole big Oh my god, it's the white supremacists against Asians, we've I feel your pain. They know they totally went and Yeah, got back clipped it and then Okay, well, let's play that because I just
John: don't play button still. I'm gonna play these and the And the reason is because we do have to discuss an aspect of this the media will not discuss. And that is a phenomenon amongst white men. Yeah, I have this called yellow fever or Asian flu. And it refers and I know personally no two guys that suffered have suffered or they enjoyed it like this and one of them was the great publisher was a friend of mine Felix Dennis.
Adam: Oh my goodness, is he is still around as he did
John: know he died of throat cancer in 2014. He was a he was a wacky guy. He was a great guy. And but Felix Dennis and I always noticed this because when he did want to send us when they sold Mac user to they saw it too. They saw the zip and then know that that was the first sale the second sell it went off to someplace but I was at one of the parties in New York where we're Felix was there and, and he was with one of this one of the most amazing looking A's Asian women I've ever seen. But he was always with somebody like that and guy CUNY, another departed famous writer, who is really good friends with Felix, he told me once that Felix said to him, that he had never in his life want to ever have sex with a white woman. No other he was in that he was he had this this this thing about Asian women. Another guy a friend of mine who teaches art was also had the same phenomenon he was and this guy in Atlanta had this problem and he was as he had upset so much the that he felt obliged to start shooting up to places these massage parlors where I guess there was some some servicing going on. But the media doesn't want to talk about this at all.
Adam: And thank you because I think it's important that people know about this phenomenon. The way it's brought on msnbc because I've been watching is Asian women are hyper sexualized, and as I said, it's not that cut and dry. Yellow Fever is a thing. I totally agree. Just like Jungle Fever is a thing. So you can't use any of those terms. I can't
John: use the terms and they want to back you off these terms because it's a way of explaining things that they don't want to
Adam: explain it's very simple if you just say it but no it didn't it didn't Felix Dennis have a book about how we did it. I think I read that book.
John: And he said I think he had a couple of books out but he also got the problem with Felix is that he was addicted to these Asian women he was also addicted to crack cocaine
Adam: well that's a bad combo
John: cat No kidding. So feeling son was killed he almost died from crack cocaine and then he got off of it became kind of a born again guy in terms of like I gotta get through that but didn't somehow along the way and it with throat cancer probably from smoking pot crack cocaine.
Adam: Here it is how to get rich. That's the one I read how to carry.
John: He had his he got rich. This
Adam: magazine was his that's what I remember Maxim magazine. That was classic. Oh,
John: he he's the one who invented what was called the laddie boy magazine. And I never knew that term until I was visiting with a magazine distributor in Asia. Who lived in Australia and he I didn't know they were called laddie boy magazines, but Felix invented Okay, and Hey, stop.
Adam: Stop. Stop, stop. Who else do we know who likes Asian women and crack cocaine? hunter Biden.
John: Oh, that's right. Uh huh. So go out that's not a good reason to defer. No, no, it's about race and racism. Let's play these two clips and get it out of the way. Yeah, but and here's how far I got a play clip one which is the massage murders. One is the PBS report.
Unknown: The suspect who confessed to a shooting spree at three spas in the Atlanta area was charged today with multiple counts of murder. Eight people were killed. The attacks have prompted greater anger and fear within the Asian American community in Georgia and around the country. Stephanie sigh begins with this report. The mass
shooting of six Asian women at their place of work and two other white victims is reverberating around the country. The full motive behind the attacks is still unclear.
We're very early in
this investigation
even though we've made an arrest. There's still a lot more work to be done.
21 year old Robert Aaron long now in custody in charged with murder and assault has admitted to the shootings. Officials in Georgia who were investigating the case with the help of the FBI said he frequently visited massage parlors in the past and denied his attacks were racially motivated. He does claim that
it was not racially motive. Did he apparently has an issue what he considers a sec fiction and sees these locations as something that allows him to, to, to go to these places and it's a temptation for him that he wanted to eliminate. Yeah.
Adam: I was thinking about the sheriff was the sheriff for the chief of police. That's not very typical that they give all that information out right away. So I think it was a very deliberate move to get that out there and say, Hey, this is not racial, not racial and someone thank god someone decided to do that because typically like your motivations and they'll just run rampant. But even when this was the first thing we heard about it, he said the president the Vice President, often talking in Atlanta about all Asian racism, hate hatred, Asian hurt. It's disgusting.
John: I noticed almost as though they're promoting it
Adam: almost at No, they are promoting
John: it. And And the thing is, they always did like to blame Trump and they they're always goes back to what Trump because he calls it called it the Chinese flu. This is what triggered it all. This is their argument. Yeah, I know. And one of the talk show guys I listened to made a point of saying, Hey, did you notice that when the Asian Student Association and the Asian students in Harvard, sued Harvard for discrimination because the Asian students are smarter at Harvard than everybody else, and they're getting kicked out? Trump took their side, Trump's a big supporter of smart Asians,
Adam: January 6, where a lot of Asian Americans because we know they are our producers were reporting and we have Asian American producers go figure a lot of young ones, too, who are very upset with the current situation.
John: So here's part two of this. And this is they bring in an expert of Chinese woman who's obviously a social justice warrior type. And you can see when I just said, I'm not listening to this crap anymore, because they are not going to pay any attention to the cops or anybody else. This is racism, racism, racism. And here's the example they got me to say this, these people are insane.
Unknown: For more on the reaction on the ground. We're joined by Stephanie Chow. She's the executive director of Asian Americans Advancing Justice as a national civil rights group. She runs their Atlanta Office. I need to ask you about some things we've learned from the authorities. They held the press conference earlier to update on the suspects arrest, they say the suspect told police that he had a sexual addiction. You launched these attacks in a form of vengeance. And they say that the suspect despite targeting Asian women, and the majority of his victims, being Asian women denied a racial motivation, but that they haven't ruled out bias as a motivation. What is your reaction to that?
I think that's absolutely untrue.
Adam: I saw that's untrue. I got the CBS Evening News version of it that plays it all the way through President
Unknown: Biden tonight with a forceful call to end violence against Asian Americans.
We have to change our hearts. Hey can have no safe harbor in America. It must stop. Too many Asian Americans have been walking up and down the streets and worried they've been attacked, blamed scapegoated and harassed. They've been verbally assaulted and physically assaulted kill.
Earlier the President spent more than 90 minutes meeting privately with Asian American activists and legislators, including state senator Michelle owl who had a message for Mr. Biden,
the Asian community is scared. We are living
in terror
we have been
for the past year at least.
And this latest incident here in Atlanta, is just taking place on top of
a culture of fear of violence.
reported attacks on Asian Americans in the past year jumped to almost 4000. Amid the pandemic. This recent surge has been driven by the racist political rhetoric of the former president and many of his colleagues have reported sexual anti Asian sentiment on social media increased dramatically after former President Trump first used the hashtag Chinese virus
Adam: last spring. Orange man bad yeah, so it's clearly because of Trump. And if you you might have caught some of the headlines that said, Oh, it's 19 100% increased Trump Trump Trump. Luckily, we have producers within the gitmo-nation who are very active in helping us understand what's going on. These are the amps, the Asian millennial producers, and wing Mei who I read a couple pieces of feedback from an earlier shows. And she's a millennial. I think I've learned that Wang is pronounced Wang, Wang, Wang Mei Wang. So we Mei Wang. She says Wow, this is kind of crazy what's going on. I suggest you take a look at a little bit of Kang Min Li, Kang Min Lee, I think we might have played a clip from him earlier. He's a YouTuber, and he has these statistics on the Asian hate. So this is coming from our Asians who are telling us what we should be listening to.
Unknown: So now we've screened about white supremacy. What are the actual stats surrounding the surge in anti Asian hate crimes. So one commonly cited statistic is that anti Asian hate crimes have jumped 19 100% nationwide. But it's misleading us, actually only for New York. And according to the NYPD data, were one from one Asian hate crime in 2019 to 20 and 2020. For the whole nation. Here are some stats. On the day stop API hate released a report documenting nearly 3800 instances of anti Asian hate during the pandemic, nearly 70% against Asian woman, a man killed eight and shootings targeting Asian businesses, six of the eight killed were Asian woman. So this is extremely misleading. So this is true that there are 18 100 incidents of anti Asian hate. But let me pull up this graph for you guys. And this is according to stop API hate only 11% of that, which is still a lot. That's almost that's over 400 incidents of physical assault, but only 11% of those 3800 were physical assault. Most of them were just verbal harassment, name calling and avoidance and shunning.
Adam: So Wow, big increase the 20 there and by the way, this API, which is Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders, you got a y'all got to stop with that bullshit to that. That's like Bracken, black and brown communities. That doesn't sound right to me. The Asian Pacific Islanders, they're way out there. They got other issues. It's very different. There's no Trump voters there. In fact, as KANG MIN Li, breaks it down. Where exactly has this increase taken place in incredible increase in violence,
Unknown: and according to VOA news, hey, crime, 30, Asian spike 150% in major US cities. So we see here on this graph, this was last updated March 1, most of them happened in New York, and then LA, Boston, Seattle, San Jose, San Francisco, Philadelphia, Cleveland. Notice how these are all democrat cities. And they're all run by Democrats. And they all have the most progressive policies. Makes you wonder, doesn't it? So then, we know that there was a spike in Asian anti Asian hate crimes. And we know that there isn't 1300 instances of violent crime, but actually only 11% of that. But who's committing these crimes? Unfortunately, there isn't clear data compiled for this, and for 2020, and 2021. But the most recent data we have is from the DOJ Bureau of Justice Statistics. So I'm gonna pull up this chart here. And we see let's look at the last line. So for Asians, there were 182,230 instances of violent crime, and 24.1% of them were from white people, and 27.5% of them were from black people.
Adam: And that, my friends, is science. So it's a hoax built on top of something that didn't happen. And they're rolling it out up to the level of the Executive Office of the country.
John: Yeah, the President and Vice President of the United States bunch of assholes. That's how pathetic This is. It's really no
Adam: you know what's pathetic. Here's what's pathetic. So, of course, we have the AAPI crowd running around going yeah, we're oppressed. We need some Yeah, give us some attention because the boba liberals we've learned about them. The Bobo liberals love that. But other groups going Hey, wait a minute. We got to get in on this train. You diversity is not just black and brown and AAPI No, no, no, no. Back on the stage, Linda sarsour
Unknown: on a train station standing at a bus stop walking in the street and you see someone saying something that you
don't agree with,
or assaulting someone or trying to harm someone intimidate someone? Stand up.
Be a bystander,
Adam: we got to get the Muslims in there. The Muslims needs some attention. This is not going to last if everyone is making noise about that tension they need it's very childish and it will not end well. And unfortunately, the only guy who said something about what happened happens to be my representative from district is district six here in Texas. Chip Roy let me just boost his audio a little bit. He seems like he's gonna come come through a little soft edge chip Roy. Nice Texas boy but what an idiot you believe in justice. Right? There's old sayings in Texas about you know, find all the rope in Texas. Get a tall oak tree you know we take justice very seriously and we ought to do that. Round up the bad guys. That's what we believe. Yeah, dude The old saying it's not going to fly anymore you political dweeb Oh Lord get a longer rope and hang them up no that doesn't that doesn't that doesn't conjure up any images does it now douchebag dummy people are so stupid unbelievable. Anyway New York Times is on this Confronting Violence against Asians Biden says we cannot be complicit it's just on and on and on there's even even what the police captain said I didn't go for the clips on this one but the headline was there the captain said well, he just was having a bad day. But of course they left the whole preamble where this was literally what he said. But that gets played as just kind of an off
John: joke. And then does this make fun of the Yeah, let's put the police in a bad light to since we're at it
Adam: my favorite and I want some feedback from the amps Asian millennial producers. The yellow box trend Please tell me this is a bad idea. Have you seen the yellow box trend?
John: I have no it No
Adam: Do you remember black lives matter what everybody did to virtue signal to new avatar to black? Yes black my homepage should be black now they're doing it yellow. It truly is about color for these a holes it's just it's unbelievable.
John: Let's read the blue America was the word blue years ago and then it was green had that green yeah that maybe I haven't heard grease or when?
Adam: Yeah sure for birthday. Yeah.
John: And now that what the current one? I think the one that they're doing today is the mask. You put a mask on you know your avatar. Oh
Adam: no, that's that's been going for a year Hulu
John: now that's been Yeah, you got a mask and if you have a cartoon character for your gear,
Adam: but the yellow the yellow
John: is so as Garnica Yeah, Mona you making me yellow.
Adam: The yellow is so insulting. It's just so insulting. You reduce people to a color just like the black was insulting. Black ism is a mark is a brand marketing term. Now they're trying to do the same with the yellow. We think no, here we go.
Unknown: We gotta have
a black and brown and yellow.
black and brown and yellow and Muslim.
Adam: black and brown and yellow and red. That's it just all colors of the rainbow you shitheads Oh, I'm so tired. I'm so ready for vacation. JOHN, how are you? Are you ready for vacation?
John: I'm gonna do a show. Love it where you're going?
Adam: What show?
John: I'm gonna do Edwin blacks.
Adam: Oh, nice. Nice. Oh, that'd be cool. I had a thought by the way. I was thinking of doing the the best end of show songs for for the past year. Yeah. That may be illegal issue.
John: Why a lot of them like Muslim parodies. Yeah, but
Adam: even parodies you can't just publish. You see? That's why I never put the end of show mixes are never available in
John: showing one of these before.
Adam: I know. But now we're a little bigger target. Just being super careful.
John: Because we're gonna have to take it down. No, that's
Adam: not the worst that can have easy you have physical Believe me. If you have physical if someone wants to go after you and you've made a sync you've made a physical copy of the songs and and even with a with a parody you still have to pay royalties on the composition if you're if you're using it in certain ways that you can't get around that is just you know, it's you don't need permission to do that
John: you do have to pay and you just do the mixes then and then just leave the song parodies out. Every single every song every
Adam: single every single mix has elements of other songs and stuff in it almost everyone
John: I think you can argue Fair Use
Adam: Okay, we'll do that and then you argue Fair Use
John: Yeah, hey call y'all want to do it that's fine with me
Unknown: Well, I'm you have another thing but I'm very cautious. I'm very cautious I
John: didn't don't do it. Just forget it. Just be cautious to do a when do when in doubt, leave it out. So why don't you just run your stories and we'll run my global warming stuff and then we'll work on a third one for later use which would be the COVID wrap.
Adam: Yeah. Okay, good one. Did you get new stock in?
Unknown: Did you get new cameras?
Adam: Did you get new cams new stock? Did you get new suppliers
John: No, no I have a screw top thing is you can just make any noise.
Adam: Are you doing this on purpose? You don't want to open the can anymore? No, I
John: don't. This is just the two shows that I don't have a can to open.
Adam: Well, in that case, let me thank you for your courage and say in the morning to you the man who put the sea in cicada brood 10 Ladies and gentlemen, john C. Dvorak
John: will in the morning to you Mr. Adam Curry but also also in the morning Ella ships to see boots on the ground feet in the air subs in the one the dames and knights out there.
Adam: And we have a big hearty in the morning to the trolls and the troll room. No agenda hands up trolls, let me count you for a second. We've got 208 2000 plus, that's a good one for Sunday. Gotta love it. Still under the max but good Good, good trolling wrong that these are trolls. And if you're a troll, if you self identify as a troll, please feel free to go over to no agenda you can pop right into the troll room there and listen to the live stream that's always live. So we have shows before after during it's is incredible. And the cool thing is is that during a lot of these live shows you can really make a difference with what you Thank you Nick the rack with what you are feeding back. Sometimes the best material comes from there. Now you can no longer request any invite but soon we'll open up again we purge some of the older accounts no agenda social calm is part of the Federated mastodon network or just it's a mastadon server on the Federated network. Anybody can start one of these servers is very cheap to buy one off the rack like five bucks a month. You can have your friends, your family, your group, your podcast, whatever it is, and you can federate and you can still participate in all the conversations with the human resources at no agenda. Gitmo dot life is one that closely federates and there are others who are setting you can always read there and if you have any mastodon account except on aihole services that block us
you'll be able to follow at john C. Dvorak at no agenda social calm and at Adam had no agenda social calm. And then we want to thank our C Dvorak. Did you I didn't say john see the work. I'm sorry, john C. Dvorak. Why not just john at nogen social calm would you like that?
John: I don't care. It's not important to me.
Adam: We you still like the no agenda social though. You're still having fun.
John: I go there I post I don't if I get into or want to say something pointing you that I'll put it up there. I don't even do any discussions on Twitter anymore. now. I'll answer a question. If somebody comes up. You know,
Adam: I am so shadow banned on Twitter.
John: I mean, like this, why do you Why do you even waste your time over there?
Adam: Well, all I all I do is reply to people. If I reply to someone, then they get the reply. But no one gets any I don't. There's nothing for me to really post per se. Yeah, it's just it's a waste of time. And in fact, that's it. It's a damn waste of time. Why go over there and fight with everybody. Now instead, let's sit here and let's thank the artists for Episode 1330. We've titled that one the catalyst converter, had quite a conversation over how to spell catalyst and we just we settled on ca TT le dash l y s t. And the art was, I mean, it was just so perfect. When we saw it, we knew it. We knew that did Lotte Leen. But sniff we knew that would be the one
John: and then a couple of notes when when we both agreed that it looks like Biden's yes ending. Biden's gate for sure.
Unknown: And
John: then it looks as if Darren O'Neal got irked about our proclamation in the middle of the show that we're going to pick this art.
Adam: Yes. Now this now here's the mistake we made, which we probably shouldn't do again.
Unknown: No, we won't
Adam: do it. was we accident? Well, it's not I mean, the Okay, so it's a twofer because we have artists submitting artwork during the show what and then we get to the segment, we go to the art generator and then you see all the new stuff. I'm already seeing stuff here from CSB. Darren O'Neal Lotte Leen, so I'm just gonna scroll by it because that's exactly what happened the last time we saw the the butts sniffing COVID-19 dog, and we both loved it and we were tainted and it and since we loved it so much, the artists a lot of them just went like Darren O'Neal just went a big sadface sorry for the art. So that's not a good idea to call it anymore. Yeah, we won't. There were some other
John: mistake when we did it. I did it.
Unknown: I'm the one who did it. I'm not blaming anybody, per se.
John: It was a nice little cute little piece. sniffer freedom with the little dog cute dog? Yep, yeah, cute dog.
Adam: And he had the other one too the other he had a lot of different dogs and they were quite nice but not as funny as lots of liens. Now they're the one that piece was simple. Your comments your blog where you can stop doing farts we're not going to choose but farts he's his butt obsessed.
John: He's got a button thing going
Adam: what is it what comics your blogger and bots draws a lot of them is another one another one today with a but he wants to use
John: the BTS circus mountain j with the foot. Yeah.
Adam: Isn't that beautiful? It's
John: a nice piece. Yeah, I
Adam: use that for the pre stream 13 I
John: use for the newsletter. I went back and use the piece I really liked which was the cuckoo clock with the bite bite out Yeah, I saw that. And that was done by fish oil, fish oil. And I ran that in the in the search engine to see if there was that image was anywhere and I think he drew the whole thing from scratch.
Unknown: Really,
John: was that fish? dish coils only done three pieces in the evergreens.
Adam: Where'd you find it in the evergreens?
John: No, it's right on the button. On today's pages right at the bottom. Biden coming out of a cuckoo
Adam: Korea there is a cartoon There he is. Yeah, that does look like a completely original hand drawn?
John: Well, I'm guessing it's close. It is because I use I use that it is just a striking piece. Yeah.
Adam: Very nice. All of these can be seen by the way in the podcast, 2.0 compatible apps. Gosh, we have so many now I think pod verse. Android and iOS. They just added the chapters, you can see that I'm seeing people getting the chapter images change on their watches. It I was able to find that clip of me talking about Biden stumbling just from someone saying here's the term, I use pod friend, it has a transcript, click the search button, boom, got it. This is really is game changing. Anyway, that's me just promoting some other shit that will make the world better. Thank you very much Lotte Leen for bringing us that artwork, well deserved. We appreciate it. We appreciate all the work that our art producers do. Everything. Really everything is pre all the stuff you guys do as appreciated. So I'm just not appropriate for public consumption. But in this case, anybody can go check it out, no agenda are generated calm or whizzing by on your screen right now, part of our value for value model, often discussed not many people have been able to replicate it. That's because they're afraid, afraid to take that big leap. It's taken us 14 years and we're still here. And we have still been able to support our families. And that is because of all of gitmo-nation time talent or treasure. We love to thank the executive and associate executive producers as far upfront as possible. And who do we thank for today, bring it in for the episode 1331 the palindrome
John: and they all want to be thanked, including anonymous, was at the top of the list again,
Adam: the same anonymous every time every
John: time I want to really be thanked. And that but did have nothing to do with anything but he's 1313 three, three, so there's a number in there. And anonymous writes a team a first time donor no D douchey. I'm saving this for my 50 $33,000 donation compilation or completion milestone, I'd like to propose the following a three part best of COVID bs series well we can do that we're thinking about it. When if when for when the two of you take time off, maybe initial indications pre vaccine post vaccine we need to summarize the ongoing events so awarded by Jonathan Adam Curry
Adam: on hold on a second so what he's suggesting is a three part best of COVID series so we can take when we take our time off how long do you think it'll take to do that?
Unknown: And that's not just gonna add on it's gonna
Adam: take longer than the whole vacation.
John: We already had we heard this go around we already have it's in the Can we have a global warming best stuff and also a Adams stories, right. So we can work on the other thing, but it's going to be tougher, because number of reasons.
Adam: But however, if you want to donate $33,000 here, we can probably have it done in a week. Now
Unknown: we'll start to
Adam: consider done While he's trying to put this together by he says so additional parts may be needed as we continue in this brave new world I'm willing to put $233 towards the producer slash knighthood Crusade for the first three parts awarded by john and Adam. Thoughts very difficult maybe some of our other producers would match the contribution or contribute now this who are contribute this quest pool any who's it for now please Knight me anonymous driver of the gap Colorado reference until next time by the way the wife and I are in Mexico on vacation if you want to boots on the ground report of our travels let me know short of it masks at some resorts and not others. And we appreciate it anonymous and although he kind of does not really the episode number you did it I mean, we got to put them up there was a 13 1333 it's got all kinds of codes in there. Typically the way these best of shows work is someone some brave soul takes it upon themselves to put this together and just shows up with it. It's never worked on spec. We used to have sir Ramsay Kane do it when his boss was paying him to do it. Whatever happened
John: with the new searcher and the organizational structure that's underlying all of our clips, it's actually pretty easy to throw together the global warming one so i think i think i could do a two part COVID one pretty easily three parts. I don't think so
Adam: well being is where anybody can go and and search through all the show clips and the show notes is a great resource being
John: just being it just being it. So that was an honor. He has no requests so let's go with sir gold plate next $1,000 from Burwell Illinois. Don't say my last name. Here's my night name sir. gold plate you got is that?
Adam: All right. So go play. Now he's noticed.
John: Good we need more of those. Yeah. $1,000 Thank you. Peter weinrich in marlton, New Jersey 365 to four that was smacked in the mouth while watching the Joe Rogan podcast.
Unknown: podcast nation.
John: Well, I believe that I have always been possessed. Oh possess the shrunken amygdala. Your podcast produces better shrinkage and stability than medication. Okay, your meditation sorry, medication, medication in men have to increase the font. He needs a de-douche and a gocar. man Okay.
Adam: He was talking about providing better many cases.
Unknown: You've been de deuced
Adam: Oh, what happened?
Unknown: You've got
John: Guillain Van Allen $333. From Parts Unknown. I have no note from him. I do nothing. I mean, the subject line donation I have
Adam: it. He sent it late this morning. Dylan Van Alen 333 please de-douche me he says
Unknown: you've been d deuced. I am a
Adam: millennial douchebag who has listened to the show for almost five years after looking for something that could make sense of the first Trump election season. I was very confused why the media and my friends were calling him and the people that supported him Nazis, especially when I agreed with most things he said. So I went looking for answers and eventually found no agenda. I love you guys so much for exposing the media and the globalist lies in a fun and entertaining way. Yes, we are for entertainment purposes only. Now obviously don't know what I would do without you. Making Sense of some of the things going on over the last five years time has really flown by with so much happening in my life. But now that I'm in a better position to donate, I hope to be night soon. And start having meetups for the Lehigh Valley, Lee, Lehigh Lehigh Valley area. I'd like to call up Matt, Tom and Linda as douchebags
Unknown: and Tom,
and Linda.
Adam: I would also like to call out Billy and spud from the war mode podcast as douchebags as well. Besides the de-douche, I could use a little podcast jobs karma from the greatest podcast in the universe. Thanks for all the amazing work and thank you very much, Dylan, let us know what you're thinking jobs,
Unknown: jobs, jobs and jobs.
That's karma.
John: All right. Aaron Hearn, in Yuba City, California. Also $333 is funny because we've had over the last month or two we've had 333 dot 33 galore. Yeah. galore. It's it's now we have none. Boom. Aaron Harun 330 3.00 in Yuba City. First time donation, find you guys through Rogen.
Unknown: bullier.
John: Rogen, slash Twitter. I will also be interviewed. I will be interviewing on Tuesday for a Podcast Producer position at a Adams familiar with that scene,
Adam: a Podcast Producer sounds like no money and a lot of work.
John: I'm reminded of that, I guess they took that TV show off the air. God friended me. And it was about a guy who just discharged up this
Adam: idea. No, I don't know that
John: guy. He's a black guy. And he's his first couple of episodes of this show. He's like, Oh, I'm worried about getting this producer ship for this podcast. And they hired him and he came on board and he was also a podcaster I guess because he was on the mic. Seemed unusual for producers or as I'm concerned. And you kept getting messages from God.
Adam: I don't I don't know the show at all. No, they
John: pulled the show.
Adam: Well, because maybe no one watched it. No, it was pretty popular, huh?
John: Anyway, he's getting a newer calm. That's the name of it. or manure calm and quite what it is. But besides the D dushane. I could use a little Job Podcast karma for the greatest podcast from the greatest podcast on Earth. new title. Thanks for all the amazing work.
Adam: No, we'll do that for you.
Unknown: You've been de douche jobs,
jobs, jobs and jobs.
Let's vote for jobs.
John: Send me guard. Karma. Check check and see if there is a I
Unknown: think that'd be sure that is the new
John: guy pretty shitty. Sure. That's
Adam: not available.
John: Sir carries Baron of Greater Boston and dracut Drake Drake coot on 318 21 in Massachusetts, no jingles no karma. Please add me to the birthday. Yeah, we're doing that. March 18 sir Karis Baron of Greater Boston from you can read the next one
Adam: from Seuss the Netherlands 313 13. Understanding the palindrome sir ladder of indecision. No, no. Priester we know and well. It's been a support of the show for a long time sent my palindromic donation for show 1331 through Pay Pal, hoping that the surging kryptos will not be the exit strategy. No worries yet, for pure egotistical reasons, please just succumb to the idea that the no agenda show was for life with permanent reruns in the rush limbaugh fashion Oh god. Oh god. No agenda stream in 2075 still running old episodes. Anyways in slave fashion in slave nation plus three one that's their country code. We've just had the general elections that will bring us the build back better coalition with Margarita, increasing his power base. Just another election where the real important issues of the day were ignored all attention on people and the tone of the debate. big winner next to Margaret was former United Nations OPC w head seafood cough Yes, a globalist New World Order shill. And it's probably me but I always think I'm spotting the spook when I see her appearance. Interestingly, Mrs. Carr was employed by the Dutch Foreign Office in the 90s when she was relieved of her job as a diplomat in the Dutch embassy in Israel after it emerged that she had just gotten married with a senior official in Yasser arafat's al Fatah cabinet.
Unknown: Wow. Yeah, that's
Adam: the person you want running stuff. After being fired by the Dutch Foreign Office. She was employed by the United Nations in the Middle East. Lastly, by the OPC, who these are the those are the people
Unknown: who
Adam: monitor chemical weapons. And was that were they the ones who had to issue the report that the White Helmets was bullshit? I think it was OPC w right.
John: Anyway, a break it seems maybe
Adam: that's an orc Yeah,
John: there's no by the way I'm using that phrase from now on, it
Adam: seems maybe it seems maybe after being fired but the Dutch Foreign Office she was employed by the UN in the Middle East and lastly by the OPC w an organization heavily involved in the Syrian situation. There you go. How does anyone with that pedigree received security clearance and be installed cabinet in the Netherlands will Hello. And moreover, in the run up to the elections, miscast was heavily supported by our party friends, the national public broadcaster with daily airtime and a pure refresh style type of biopic many who from style Hitler's bio picker saw the desired outcome of the election is there and very much geared towards Klaus Schwab's agenda for 2030 Yes, we'll be talking about in a bit. The sheeple have chosen off to a brave new world it is when I guess we're not going to hear much From auto Priester after this one, are we celebrating the coming dystopia as we are celebrating the coming dystopia nevertheless I have two entries for the birthday list is my two eldest human resources to the birthday list please. The second fifth of April respectively, my eldest sharing the fifth with john, if I'm not mistaken, as an aside, I saw that I share my birthday with Adam's daughter Christina. Very good on the 27th of August winds up anywho thank you for your courage stay safe stay warm kind regards, your SIR lather of indecision on Oh Priester. Thank you very much. Oh, no. And that is a good rundown. Now, we don't have to play any clips of what's
going on there.
John: No, it doesn't sound like it. That's a good rundown.
Adam: Joshua's simmers from in the morning. Okay, now
John: this note is too long. But unfortunately, being too long, he is reporting in from Okinawa.
Adam: That's why I think is good to read 305 85 in the morning from Okinawa, Japan, where we only have 80 618 total COVID cases and just 122 COVID categorized deaths are the benefits of living on a very small island and not kneeling at the M five m altar. Today I'm donating 305 85 because that's the current exchange from 33,333 Japanese yen. Sweet. I was hitting the mouth last summer for my friend Jason. As we were complaining about the craziness back in the good old USA the topic of M five m came up and he told me to listen to no agenda. He said Adam Curry is a host and of course I asked Wait a minute, that dude from MTV, Jason still remains a gigantic douchebag he has yet to donate to the best podcast in universe but he recently bought a boat. Not some little dinghy either his boat is ocean worthy. He's probably out on it right now becoming more of a douche. I on the other hand, I'm using some of my not so hard earned COVID stimulus money to donate to no agenda for the first time, please. D douchey. You've been d deuced. I really can't tell you how much I enjoy the show since I live in the future. I listen on Monday and Friday, which have become my two favorite days of the week after being hit in the mouth by myself. I've been hitting my keeper in the mouth for months. She's Japanese and English. It's their second language. So some of your word class humor goes directly over her head. And recently I was trying to explain the jingles to her and for some odd
reason. She said How did they meet? To which I had no answer of all questions she could have asked why the hell did she ask? Anyways? How did you two meet now I want to know and then he says he loves the value for value model. He uses the same on his Okinawa karate a podcast and he would like people to subscribe to that and he is let me see oh he wants to get to know agenda social. Okay, yeah, we'll get you there as soon as we can get you some jobs. Karma also would like to hear Fauci Wiese Did you see that juice and good night left nut and PSM loving podcasting? 2.0 bouncing between player pot and hyper catcher this time. And I got that so Fousey, Fauci wheeze. And was the other one. Did you see that juice? Where's my juice? and good night left nut? And did you want to karma to go with that was their jobs karma? No, I don't think so.
Unknown: Oh, my gosh.
Can you see that juice at night left? Not
Adam: you. Thank you very much.
John: I think if you go to one of the show to hundreds among the many show to hundreds that we've done, you can find out the backstory about everything. No Watson maker Sequoia execute of the Sierra batholith battle list. Going to $26.20 He says, ITM I'm cordially inviting no agenda nation out to Sequoia National Park in California. Oh, really? Always. I have no authority to do so. But come anyway. Anyways, I'll buy a ton of stuff from the local businesses. Relationship karma, by the way, that's curious. I've never been to that National Park. It's on the backside of of Yosemite. It's the one that's got that redwoods general and some of these monster trees. Now. There's two kinds of sequoias there's the giant and then there's this coastal. And if you see a coastal like they have on the coast here and they're all over up down the whole West Coast. You say? Well, this is the unbelievably big tree this thing is a mile wide and just goes into the sky beyond just goes way up. Huge these trees are monsters. But the shorter stockier giant sequoias are these huge wide things that they used to drill tunnels into to drive with Car through them. That's how big they are. And those are all in Sequoia National Park and I've never been down I feel really bad about I
Adam: have been there. I think with Duke Foley I think Grand Duke thanks so
John: it's a pain in the ass to get to you have to go in there from Nevada pretty much Didn't
Adam: we weren't there then that's right. What
John: do you say? Yeah.
I can't remember I think if you go I think there may be a route out of you somebody into this park, but it's just a hard part to get to. Anyway, he was relationship karma for a single producers.
Adam: Yep. You got it.
Unknown: Karma?
John: No, we have j h from Fort Bragg, California. A lot of coastal redwoods up there, that's for sure. $256 I have no note from Jay Ah,
Adam: wait a minutes. I have a feeling there me. We have two notes. Was that not a j h note? Let me see. No JW got j w. And okay, that's not it. Don't have it.
John: And if you're going to send us a note and you don't want to put it into PayPal, which most people do and they can find a way to do that because doable. Make sure you put donation on the subject line. That's what we look for. I do sometimes look for the names too. But as j h I mean, what are you going to search for?
Adam: Then we have sir wire of the hidden jewel James pyres, and this is a little complicated, so I'm going to see if we can figure out what needs to be done here. He says the reason for this extra special request is I hit my wife in the mouth over the years and she has gradually become a no agenda producer for my 60th birthday. She made her first attempt to donating so remember this and was trying to give me a shout out and execute her first self donation. I have donated to the show on her behalf before for our birthday anniversary etc. However, I was dude named Jim for such donation transactions for the usual reasons a glitch per message did not make it on the show but a $100 donation did but we don't really read notes under don't read
John: $100 notes maybe that's the reason
Adam: my special request to the best podcast in the universe is follows please read Jasmine's note on show 1331 is intended for 1330 and please bundle her $100 donation oh my god no. With my 233 donation to make it a 333 this makes sense for the 33 numerology of Sunday show. That is true. We got a lot of we got three here. Please read Jasmine's birthday message below and give me a birthday call out so here we go. Jasmine pyres wrote this donations a shout out to Jim James pires aka sir why of the hidden jewel, amazing, hard working loving father and husband. He was born on March 19 1961, his 60th trip around the sun and that is from his wife, Jasmine and our kids Natalie, Elijah and serafina Please play the jingle shut up slave and the noodle gum. I actually it's good to new I have a new version of shut up slave which was sent to us as we know the dictionary has changed their stance they will no longer use the term slave since it is dehumanizing so we have adjusted
Unknown: and re
faced with the minute
you racist
I got the my pasta Glocks locked and loaded
and slave
Adam: to my final request is to add Jasmine as A Dame to the no agenda roundtable Dame Jasmine of the hidden jewel aka Jasmine pyres of Escondido. Her Dame hood can be based on my years of donating above and beyond my knighthood I should be Duke or something by now I will do a full accounting upon your request as duly noted member of the nogen roundtable sir wire of hidden jewel approves this request while he's taken all kinds of liberties. He's He's all over this place. I realized this is an extraordinary request. I thank you both from the bottom of my heart for your humor drive your willingness to deconstruct challenging topics and keep it entertaining to the no agenda show saving amygdalas one stem cell at a time words cannot explain how valuable the no agenda show is to millions of critical thinking human resources like me and my family. Because the kids listen to love you guys may God bless Adam and john and family and all the no agenda producers and listeners and we look forward to welcoming your Dame to the table. And during today's ceremony. Thank you very much
John: to another mark on the wall toward shortening notes permanently.
Adam: Yeah, yeah. It's gonna get there eventually.
John: Well Many more those and that's going to happen. Mr. Jones in law cave No offense to the fine donor.
Adam: No, no offense.
John: No offense at all is that I'll show you a good note. The last note we get today is going to be the exam it's going to be set the stage for a good example Mr. Jones is up to 3332 from Lock Haven, Pennsylvania, and he says I cannot believe I was ever row cannot believe I was ever row but it brought me here with them
Adam: it's Rona Moses, Rona mo
John: Oh robot you rownum Okay, but it brought me here everyone. I missed that part. I just skipped over it. Everyone needs to know about the best podcast in universe can I get a don't trust China karma, of course. And the NA flute? If so, someone did recent.
Adam: Oh, yes. Okay, what is that thing?
John: Okay. Reno de la Carina.
Adam: Carina. Yeah, okay. Let me see. I have a couple of different versions here. Yes. And China's as Whoa. And did he want to karma with that or just the is the ocarina? We'll figure it out.
Unknown: Don't trust China. China is at home.
You've got
John: Justin. Both worth hofferth in Huntington Beach California 202. Please accept this donation is my one year anniversary says hearing Adam on j r e There you go. It is one goes one one year and donation. Can you please call up my friend Frank as a douchebag sure can. Ah, jingles left nut bouchy wheeze and all plugged up? Thanks, Justin.
Adam: Yeah, my pleasure. Good night left not
Unknown: he was plugged up.
John: Pretty good story. Yeah, it told the story. And last on our list is Thomas Hurtado. $200. And his note says gratias now
Adam: that's a note Ladies and gentlemen, your roll
John: applause applause for Mr. Hurtado. Thomas, we are a group of associate executive producers, executive producers for Joe 1331 a palindrome?
Adam: Indeed, and we love our executive and associate executive producers, we, we appreciate what you do. This is the value for value model, it's very easy. How you get value from the show doesn't matter. I mean, if you spending some time listening to it, you're valuing your time towards the show. So bring it back. It could be many things, people do clips, people do artwork, people do stories, people give us information, education, they research stuff, and a lot of people support us financially. And that's the treasure part of the three T's. And it's always great to see some familiar names and new ones and looking forward to some gaming and knighting coming up later on. And if you'd like to learn about how you can help the show for Thursday, just go to our donation page full
Unknown: slash and
Adam: a thank you again for your time, your talent, your treasure, no agenda show 3031
Unknown: our formula is this. We go out for hit people in the mouth.
Adam: I was delighted to see that you had pulled China clips because I watched that that hour and 12 minutes of the confrontation between China and the United States.
John: As a couple of things about this confrontation,
Adam: yes. May I give you my first observation?
John: All your PhDs go on? Yes.
Adam: What every question or every statement is 15 minutes you get someone in America saying something then our translator then their translator now then their person their guy speaks and their Trent it's like one back and forth is 12 minutes. Yeah, it's ridiculous. I yearn for the days of Trump going it's gonna be great well winners right boom bomb being sparks laser over sparks. But this was this is classic douchebag john kerry kind of level international diplomacy, that, frankly, I felt are guys particularly Jake Sullivan, were a bunch of lightweights and they re overestimated their position. That was my that was my soul
John: when you watch it on c span.
Adam: I did. I watched the whole thing on c span.
John: Oh, that's No good. Why? Because they showed what actually happened,
Unknown: I know,
John: which was that the Chinese came up, and they just blasted the crap out of the blinkin and wincon and nod. And
Adam: that's not entirely to hold on. That's not entirely true. The way I saw it is blink blink in and Sullivan, the national security adviser. They did their opening statements. And both of them were kind of saying, you know, we got problems with you with the way you treat the weak. Yes,
John: no, they did that five minutes. They got there five minutes in,
Adam: right. And then and and please note that we had we, the United States had just announced new sanctions. And they made reference to this in that in that hour, the United States just made new sanctions against China, which have not been put in place yet. But they thought that was very rude that they had done that on the day that they were traveling to Anchorage for this meeting, which is also quite rude. What's rude,
John: but the Chinese had prepared 20 minutes, which was then somehow changed 16 minutes on PBS. Hmm. Just blasting the crap out. I was calling us murderers, warmongers. It was great. Yeah. And then that's not the way it played on PBS because the mainstream media can't really have the Chinese. They have no one upsmanship now, play this part of this training meetings, PBS one.
Unknown: schifrin reports. The talks began with tough and candid words. Right from the opening moment.
Thank you very much for making the journey to meet with us.
It was supposed to be a short photo op. Lincoln
Hold on, hold on hold on
China's top Youngjae tour and
Adam: hold on, but something broke. Alright,
Unknown: I'm back.
John: I think No. Did you play China meetings, PBS one or Blinken one.
Adam: This is China meetings PBS one that I'm playing right now.
John: Can you play I promised I'd miss mislabeled it these from my point to be made. Can you play Blinken one
Unknown: in China's case? After decades of reform and opening up? We have come a long way in.
John: Alright. Okay.
Adam: Is this the one you want me to play?
John: I want you to play China meetings PBS one.
Unknown: Okay.
But as Nick schifrin reports, the talks began with tough and candid words, right from the opening moment. Thank you
very much for making the journey to meet with us.
It was supposed to be a short photowalk Secretary of State Tony Blinken and national security adviser Jake Sullivan by opposite China's top diplomats Youngjae Chur and Wang E. But immediately and over three, two and a half hour sessions across two days. The US criticize what it considers Chinese misbehavior. The internment of Muslim Uyghurs the destruction of Hong Kong democracy, increased threats to Taiwan. coerce the US allies including the trial of a Canadian today in secret behind police guard and cyber attacks.
Each of these actions threaten the rules based order that maintains level stability. That's why they're not merely internal matters, and why we feel an obligation to raise these issues here today.
In Blinken. In response, Yang used his two minute allotment to spend 16 minutes accusing us of hypocrisy was CG corny. shinza
Adam: many people want a second. This bullshit two minute allotment Blinken and Solomon did at least 10 minutes.
Unknown: The whole thing is bullshit. Young used his two minute allotment to spend 16 minutes accusing us of hypocrisy was did you go nations.
Many people within the US actually have little confidence in the democracy of the United States. The challenges facing the US and human rights are deep seated did not just emerge over the past four years, such as Black Lives Matter. Hold on one second,
please hold on blink and then change the plan and told the media to stay so we can respond our candolim said it's never a good bet to bet against America. At that point, the US camera left. The Chinese objected and called for the cameras to return to resume the tit for tat
is almost he caught one can only cause damage to himself if he tries to strangle or suppress the Chinese people.
Oh, his young, unabashed willingness to confront reflects President Xi Jinping his unwillingness to change behavior because of international pressure. She calls for China to quote stand tall in the east and is dramatically modernized China's military
Adam: Did you get by the way c span has also edited that piece out now. Did you get the piece that they edited out?
John: I don't know what they did it out. So
Adam: I can't say where the where the translator says you come here. Who are you to talk to us with that condescending tone. That was that well, literally what
John: No, I didn't get that. The whole thing was like that they ship separately and him at the original 20. The original 20 minutes by the Chinese was all written down. So that so I played blink into and see maybe this would be clip I was looking at,
Adam: because I saw this. They change their response. And there was even a confusion with the translators because they were ready to, to read back.
John: I don't know that she spent did this.
Adam: That c span did what? I saw that on c span. Yeah. But and that was all normal. The part they cut out is the calling the cameras back in. And that was caught on a cell phone. I thought you would have it otherwise I would have clicked on No, I
John: don't I didn't show that. They did originally
Adam: they did originally. That's right. Then it was gone. You said the 20 minutes to turn to 16. That's exactly this. I'm just seeing it now. So now I'm pissed that we don't have that. Because it's
John: this fine. We know what it was not like anything to get that worked up about play. Can you play Blinken to I think this is the second part of that what you just played,
Unknown: even as Beijing rejected the US is handful of criticisms from shinjang to cyberspace.
It's no surprise that when we raise those issues, clearly indirectly, we got a defensive response. But we were also able to have a very candid conversation over over the many hours on an expansive agenda on Iran, on
North Korea,
on Afghanistan, on climate, our interests intersect.
Okay, so he says
John: that they were defensive, but there's no doubt in my mind that the original speech which I'm going to play part of, which is the blink in one clip, which was taken from c span was written out in advance because the translator was reading from a written script. So did what we what you saw in c span, which was a bunch of Chinese complaining about us being assholes, and warmongers was not even mentioned on this PBS. discussion. Wow.
Adam: Well, they have to Well, I did see the news everywhere about China, but slamming bustline slamming Blinken. But all this part is all the good stuff we're talking about. This is blink one. But
John: yeah, blink one.
Unknown: in China's case, after decades of reform and opening up, we have come a long way in this is the
John: translator reading from the script after the guy went on his 20 minute diatribe
Unknown: his fields. In particular, we have made tireless efforts to contribute to the peace and development of the world, and to upholding the purposes and principles of the UN Charter. The wars in this world are launched by some other countries, which have resulted in massive casualties. Before China, what we have asked for for other countries is to follow a path of peaceful development. And this is the purpose of our foreign policy. We do not believe in invading through the use of force or to topple other regimes through various means, or to massacre the people of other countries because all of those would only cause turmoil and instability in this world. And at the end of the day, all of those would not serve the United States well. So we believe that it is important for the United States to change his own image and to stop advancing his own democracy in the rest of the world.
John: That was just part of it.
Adam: I saw the whole thing is a
John: 20 minute screed about what a bunch of jerk offs really are. And it was in the way Blinken handles it this Blinken guy Blinken is the perfect name for the way
Adam: out of his league out of his league.
John: What this reminds me of the last secretary of state that the democrats had up there, which was john kerry. And if you remember when they were doing the the deal with Iran that one Iranian guy would just condemn Kerry just on the spot as being an A hole. And it was it these I don't know what's wrong with these democrats that they can't put in a guy with some backbone. Of course, then they're cut the cover. You get cover with PBS, given the report signed like it was a pretty good week. Except for the fact that they had the cameras coming in and out.
Adam: Yeah. Well, I'd love to sum it up after you're done with your clips. And that's the end of my clips. Okay. So what I saw is, the American team came in Blinken and Jake Sullivan. And they acted like they were talking in America. Like they were talking about stupid Republicans. Would that same arrogant, condescending, absolutely true. Like, we're the shit. We just did a whole tour of Japan. And we did a tour of South Korea, and they got problems with you, China. They're not really all that happy. They love us. That's literally what they said. And then, so the first thing the guy came back with well, oh, you know, those are our two biggest trading partners. I don't know what the fuck you're talking about. douchebag By the way, who are you to talk about any of this stuff with the wiggers. And they literally said, we want to work together. You don't tell us what to do. We are two powers on the world stage. And these guys were befuddled. They didn't understand they thought Oh, but we're America. They have no idea what China is up to. They don't think they really understand. These were lightweights way out of their league. And it was when Jake Sullivan when he when he spoke for his three minutes. That's when the body language change. It was thing that Jake Sullivan was saying like, Well, you know, we got a problem with the you know, with your human rights, and we have to talk about this and paraphrasing, but that's how it sounded. And the whole thing is just you if
you put two guys in a room, they could have had this conversation in six minutes. But he had to have this whole this whole it's so it's an anachronism. It's so old school, the two long tables, the interpreters and what happened to the interpreter was lying. Around that was Trump Jr. What was was Trump with Kim Myung Moon. Yeah. Did the interpreter was lying.
John: Oh, yeah. interpreter was lying. Yeah,
Adam: bullshit. So yeah. So it wasn't Oh,
John: you're absolutely correct. This is old fashioned. It looked like something that would be done in in the 1930s. These guys are out to lunch. They don't know how to modernize anything.
Adam: They they think that and they think that their shit don't stink and they got totally bitch slapped and rightly so very embarrassing for the United States of America. But we deserve that because these guys look like deuces. And that's but
John: the point. The point being that I made you didn't get what you're saying. You're absolutely what happened? Yeah. But PBS didn't play it that way.
Adam: No. Why would we
John: know PBS play? Oh, well, it's pretty interesting meeting
Adam: know what the M five m did is they had to go after the true villain, the real villain by doing the same thing by Pooh poohing Vladimir Putin, who as we discussed responded to Joe Biden saying, you'll find out when we're ready, we're going to do it to him who find out I call it an excellent words of war. And Putin. Well, here's an M five m report. It's not the best quality but it really sums it all up.
Unknown: A war of words erupted just hours after President Biden vowed that Vladimir Putin would pay a price for attempting to undermine the 2020 US election and agreed that the Russian president is a killer.
Regarding my American colleagues statement, as he said, we know each other personally what I would answer him, I would tell him stay healthy. I wish him good health. I say this without irony.
A chilling warning from the Russian leader who spies and nerve agent to poison Putin's main opponent.
Adam: Do you not love that? Do you not love pulling right away and by the way, this guy killed he's a killer. He kills people he poisonous people who are his opponent, not proven,
Unknown: but okay. Then challenge Biden to talk tomorrow or Monday.
I want to invite him to continue this discussion. But on the condition we do it live online without any delay in an open direct discussion. I think it would be interesting.
In an interview that aired Wednesday, Biden did not mince his words. So you know Vladimir Putin, you think he's a killer?
So what price wants to pay
for price is going to pay? Well, you'll see shortly.
A Kremlin spokesman said there hasn't been anything like this in history as the Russian President analyze the comments. I remember when
we were young and we bicker out in the yard. We would say I'm rubber and you're glue bad names bounce off me
and stick to you. We always
see our own qualities in other people and assume that they are just like us.
accused the US of past genocide, slavery and reference black lives matter that Russian bots use online to divide Americans.
Oh, yeah,
Adam: I forgot about that. That's a DOS You know, that's Russian bots. So the bringing that one back now,
Unknown: Americans, the US sanctioned Russia this week for poisoning Putin's opponent alexina volley, and is also planning to respond to Russia's recent hacking and 2020 election disinformation campaigns. The escalating tensions come as Russia hosts a new round of peace talks between the Taliban, the Afghan government, and for other countries, including the US, which needs Russia's help to end the fighting in Afghanistan.
Adam: So I found this very interesting how the M five m takes their cue, and they ratchet up the all dangerous Russia dangerous, dangerous Russia, and they totally as you proved here, totally played down what happened with China. And then here's Jen Psaki, her official response, I
Unknown: think President Biden and President Putin certainly have different perspectives on their respective countries and how to approach engagement in the world. But where they agree is that we should continue to work for we look for ways to work together, as was noted, and part of President Putin's comments. And there are areas of mutual interest new start, which we just extended for five years as an example of that. Obviously, Russia is also a member of the P five plus one as we look ahead to what's possible there as it relates to, you know, preventing Iran from acquiring a nuclear weapon. So we are confident that we can continue to look for ways where there's a mutual interest mutual national interest, but the president is not going to hold back clearly. When he has concerns when he has, whether it is with words or actions.
John: Why like nervous?
Adam: Yeah, that is because this is not a good situation. I love what Putin said though. He says he gave the Russian equivalent of like, being yourself Mitch Coulter to help you call me a killer. That's what you are. And I have that exact term on tape. You are what you say you are right there.
John: But you are what you say I am.
Adam: Yes, that what I mean, what do you say I am?
John: Well, I have a bunch of Biden clips because it's Biden Sunday.
Adam: What can we do? I'll just just finalize this. How does this play out with Russia? Nothing happens. I guess it's just more back and forth. Because that's the theater that the Biden administration wants, right? Just the theater and China. That PBS covered up what happened there and I don't think it's such a big deal. Who gives a shit but a bunch of not say to each other. But it is telling for our relationship. Now that's really that's not okay. That PBS didn't report on that properly.
John: No, it's not okay at all. But that's what you're gonna get. Yeah.
Adam: Yes, it is Biden Sunday. All right. What do we have for Biden Sunday?
John: Well, I can start off with one dedicated to you which one of the few logs and most of the tips are pretty short, because just Biden's difficulty in putting a sentence together is, let's listen to this. Listen to this. I'll get to yours in a minute. Let's start with the Biden child. I picked this one up the step innopolis. I thought they cleaned most of it up. But I listened to this one over and over and over again. And this one is the Biden's stumbling over this explanation for the tat child tax credit for something
Unknown: called a child tax credit. What that basically means is you get a tax credit for every child you have.
Adam: Okay, done. Good night, everybody. I'll
Unknown: be here all week. The American rescue plan expands that credit. It means that families of over 2 million children in Georgia will be eligible for an increase in that child tax credit 16 $100 per year per child.
John: Okay, families with over 2 million children in Georgia
Adam: so that they you know, it's probably those Asians. They got a lot of kids.
John: Most of these are shorter. Like oh, here's one This one This was a point of information. I think they got the same old sound guys because here's Biden This is the mic check. Oh, it's nice not bite as much. He's actually talking but he coughs into the microphone. He's got the two dual stores. Yeah. And I don't know what happened because I didn't see him coughed directly into the microphone like you're not supposed to do it, but it seemed to give the opportunity for the sound guy to blow out the sound. And this is what you ended up with heart wrenching to listen to.
Unknown: As many of you know,
it's done originally planned to hold a car rally and thank our supporters. But given the recent day events of the recent days. We didn't feel as appropriate.
Adam: Wow, he really screwed something up on that one. And that brought
John: us what happened let me say really busted up like,
Adam: No, no, I think he I think he broke one of the two mics.
John: Maybe but it sure didn't look like he coughed that hard.
Adam: Yeah, but it listened to it sounds like the what's it called the the membrane. I think he hits it
John: right here capsule. The capsule capsule?
Adam: Yes. And then it's broken. Listen here. Many of you know that's a broken cap.
John: Well, then they went off to the second month.
Adam: They went out to the second one. Good work, Joe.
John: So yeah.
Adam: Hey, john. JOHN, who am I now?
John: All right. So let's go to here's a non sequitur from Biden.
Adam: Oh,
Unknown: just one, huh. Is the Congress for Coronavirus full stop the conversation we had today with the AAPI leaders and that we're hearing all across the countries that hate and violence often hide in plain sight.
Adam: words here that again. I got to hear that one again.
Unknown: That was that confused? Even me as the Congress or Coronavirus? Okay, stop. Okay. The conversation we had today with the AAPI leaders, and that we're hearing all across the country is that hate and violence often hide in plain sight? as white people?
Adam: I think that's whatever it is Trump white
John: API. I don't know what he's talking.
Adam: Well, what he's saying is that the I think what he's trying to say is that the hate against API please stop the so wrong by API because you know, the P eyes wanted to be included with the AAS and we don't feel good about
Unknown: it. Hey,
Adam: this is the hate is in plain sight. We all know it. We know it's white white men
John: in cells. Here's another cutie this is this is the Biden do clip. Do
Unknown: we will do we have to beat this virus?
John: We will do we have to beat this virus. This is an example of him changing direction in mid sentence.
Adam: Now he's toast.
John: Let's try Biden on Europe.
Unknown: Don't let this happen. You see happening in Europe you see on television. He say
Adam: it was you don't know she was having to see what's happening and
Unknown: don't know what's happening. You see happening in Europe you see on television.
Adam: I mean, apparently whatever's happening in Europe is on television. So we should go watch that this is true. He's got all right.
John: Listen, here's where he says that he makes the mistake of calling president Harris. This is my favorite.
Unknown: I'm president Harris and I took a virtual tour of a vaccination center in Arizona. He
Adam: didn't even he didn't even correct it. So sad. So sad.
John: I here's that they're not clip this is a little longer, then
Unknown: we're sending back people to first of all, the idea that Joe Biden said come because I heard the other day that they're they're coming because they know I'm a nice guy and I want to Jonas Yeah, well, here's the deal. They're not
they're not
John: man. And last little brain By the way, people should note these are all very short 10 second clips, so we're not wasting a lot of time on this. But this one was should trigger. This is one of the triggering clips be more pre beef forewarned, here it comes. I need your help.
Unknown: I need you to help. Not just the country, but your family, your friends, your neighbors, get them vaccinated as well. We keep our guard up, stick together and stick with the science. We can look forward to Fourth of July that feels a bit more normal. With small groups able to gather for cookouts and backyards. And when we were we begin to declare our independence on Independence Day from the virus. Look together. Together we're going to come through the stronger with renewed faith in each other in our government that fulfills his most important function protecting the American people.
Adam: I would rant about it if I hadn't ranted about it a week ago guys always done it a lot the guys show the guys always doing this. That is not the number one job the number one job it now he does say government so I've got to give them a little bit of a pass there. But it's to defend uphold protect circle around the Constitution.
Unknown: circle back,
Adam: circle, circle back around the Constitution. Oh man.
John: Yeah, it's now I have one kind of a similar clip that's very interesting that has to do with this kind of Biden ish clip because I didn't know this was going on I didn't know this would be going on and now we are hearing about how Biden was to move people from the southern border to the northern border for
Adam: some reason why I can tell you why you move them up to the northern border so that it does done so that all the cameras aren't focused on all the people that just they're just shifting the problem around.
John: I'm sure Trudeau would go for that okay. This I did not know there's a gag order in place according to this is advice This is the money honey,
Adam: crypto Cougar
John: if I did enough of which is women who are not
Adam: the money honey has now become the crypto Cougar Romo. Yeah, she's got a few more years on her so she's a crypto is Carter Romo with
John: mcenaney and they bring up this point I did not hear this but I believe it to be true gag order clip.
Unknown: To me right now is Kaylee mcenaney. She
is former Trump White House press secretary and a fox news analyst Kaley,
it's great to see you tonight. Thanks so much for joining us you your reaction to the administration announcing this press conference more than a week away. It's an extraordinary decision, a absolutely puzzling one. Dana Perino, one of my predecessors that has commented on this network that you know, you don't announce press conference till the morning I had the same role of my press office. You don't know what the news cycle is nine days in advance. We know that there's a crisis on the southern border that they refuse to acknowledge no one knows what that will look like in nine days. But I imagine it will be worse. So she announces this. I Jen Psaki, the press secretary and advanced presumably to get the media off her heels, but in doing so really creates a lot of pressure on President Biden that no matter the news cycle, he will be at that podium.
Well, let's not forget, there is a media blackout over the border right
now, Kaylee, and I know that you were there every day at that podium answering questions. Whatever those questions were lobbed
at you.
We are hearing that there is in fact an unofficial gag order. The by the administration has told the patrol agents at the border to not share any information about what's going on in the migrant crisis with reporters yet. So now we know exactly why that gag order exists. There was a democrat senator today, who went down to look at one of these facilities, Senator Murphy and came out and said that he was almost brought to tears by what he saw with these children. So that's why the gag order exists because in effect when a sitting senator gets a look at it, they've got to shut off the media shut off the access because if America saw those images, there'd be a lot of pressure on President Biden.
Adam: do you think that that there's any portion of the population in the United States over 5% that is that can see what's going on?
Unknown: No, of course not. I mean,
Adam: I'm still kind of struck by the PBS obfuscation the cover up and then there's a gag order so you can't talk and we know that media won't do it anyway. It's Fox. Okay. Pretend to be the heroes but they're not that just No, no, I
John: don't have anybody down there. They had Kelly maca or Kaylee Mac at 990 mcenany. Now she was bringing this up with Maria nobody listens to Maria show. Well, I tried to marginalize I'm surprised I haven't fired her by now. They
Adam: had her on all last week in the in the 7pm slot just before Tucker, they know that keeps rotating hosts she did the whole week. Now for some reason they keep her Yeah, she's I think her husband is he's he's like a hedge fund guy. He's He's like, you don't want to mess with kind of guy.
John: Okay, that
Adam: could be believe me? If they would have kicked her off in a heartbeat. Do you know that she's younger than me?
John: She's No I did not know.
Adam: Three years younger than me. I never consider age now she needs she needs better lighting is what it is. I'd love to help out with that. Who she married to spouse Jonathan Steinberg.
John: No link
Adam: there. I thought he was a hedge fund guy. Yeah. Well, that makes nothing but sense. Keep it from the people. They don't need to know this don't have any information but me well, kids in cages. And the thing is that this is these types of things are taking place on political spectrum in all countries. I mean, I hear the same in the UK the same in the Netherlands and hear that a little bit more because because of my background and have knowing people there and you just hear more. So it's all kind of the same thing. And it it seems to be all good. Riven by the technocrat, and people who claim to run the country the great
John: doing a pretty piss poor job of it.
Adam: Well, it's really the great reset people. Because it's they're all all these idiots. They all go to these conferences. And of course they can, especially the Prime Ministers think, Oh yeah, the Guru's they'll more of a group thing
John: phenomenon that we've seen with during our period of doing the show 13 years plus, then this build back better and the great reset group think and it's all group think it comes right from some talking points that came out at some of the these, one of these meetings that we see you see in tech all the time where people come up with, you know, some everyone's come out of the meeting, and they'll be thinking exactly the same way about something.
Adam: Well, I'd like to play the audio of their most recent promo reel. They've had some pretty crazy ones. And this one today, World Economic Forum,
John: Oh, those these this guy, this guy's off the rails. Well, she just not even discussed this guy, one should boycott his operation.
Adam: Well, this is not to cloud speaking. You know, there's
John: the CIA, everything's about Klaus,
Adam: this is the CEO of MasterCard, this is well, what this is all about the great reset is the reason why I want to play this. Because these dickheads who are making all this stuff go on around all the technocrats, in every country. They they follow this, they believe this. This is it. They've been indoctrinated. This is not new, that now it's just out in front, it is called the Great reset. They even making a joke about it in this video today was that that wasn't such a great idea. But we really need it. We can stop whenever you want and talk about or highlight things because it's
John: stop it when we need to. I mean, I'll stop if I needed. Something that gets me upset
Adam: to get ready for
Unknown: it. pandemic has radically changed the world as we know it. And the actions we take today as we work to recover will define our generation over time to think what history would say about this crisis. 2020 has been challenging on a lot of levels, has economic, environmental and societal frailties have been laid back. But it's also proved that when we need to, we can act rapidly and restructure our lives.
recovery from the
pandemic is an opportunity, we can
see rays of hope in the form of a vaccine. But there is no vaccine for the planet nature needs availa
don't want to go back to the status quo that you had before simply because it was the status quo
that God has here. With everything falling apart, we can reshape the world in ways we couldn't before. ways that better address so many of the challenges we face. And that's why so many are calling for a great reset. A great reset. That sounds more like buzzword bingo must be some nefarious plan for world domination. Hands up, this kind of slogan hasn't gone down Well, we really want to say is that we all have an opportunity to build a better world.
Adam: So they go from great reset, and then all that some buzzword Bingo. And they show like a hand puppet hand with strings on the globe. Kind of cementing the idea that that's exactly what it is. Oh, no, that wasn't a great idea. And they roll back into we got to build better.
John: Mm hmm. It's just pushing back. You're one of the things that guy says one of these Talking Heads comes down. He says we can't go back to the status quo is the status quo that God has here and I'm thinking What are you talking about? You're talking about a multi trillion dollar economy worldwide economy with free trade and ships going back and forth and people with energy 24 hours a day, seven days a week food can feed a population of seven or 8 billion people. And also you buy a car it's got radar on it. So if someone's going by you got the radar beeps it's unbelievable where we are, but this is bad.
Adam: Well right in the beginning they say the planet needs a bailout This is all about climate change.
John: Yeah, this is my to our climate change special so interesting. And in the
Adam: video that goes with this is well produced well cut lots of colors, drawings, flashy it mind control ship. And
Unknown: it's not surprising the people who've been disenfranchised by broken system and pushed even further by the pandemic will suspect global leaders of conspiracy. The world's not
Adam: that's you and me, john, we're idiots. We're Jim. We've been we've been hoodwinked. We're suspecting the global leaders of conspiracy. You're literally conspiring lady.
Unknown: Every one of us has differing priorities. values and ideas. That's part of why solutions are so hard to come by, and why we all need to be involved in the decision making. Because whether it's politicians, CEOs, academics, activists call you, we're all about getting people together.
Adam: Now what you hear here is 100%. noodle boy, everybody needs to have something to say we all need to say.
Unknown: That's what this is an idea. That's part of why solutions are so hard to come by, and why we all need to be involved in the decision making. Because whether it's politicians, CEOs, academics, activists call you, we're all about getting people together, even though you may not like to sit down at the table and develop solutions that work for all of us. But
enormous trust between the private sector and the public sector, for this could actually work. that trust
Adam: is hard. That's the CEO of MasterCard,
Unknown: time for people to work together, listen to each other and build this trust. So we can move towards a better world. And we really need one. Because while the pandemic affects us all, it's clear that affects some more than others. First people who would hit other people at the front, those who are vulnerable. It is those who flatline who take it first. And that is simply unacceptable. See, at the start of 20 21% of the world's population, only 44% of the wealth. And since the start of the pandemic, billionaires have increased theirs by more than 25%. Whilst 150 million people fall back into extreme poverty.
Adam: I find this interesting because this this is something that Elizabeth Warren does a job on everyone. Oh, the rich guys they own already. 1% owns most of the world and they only got richer. This is the this is supposed to push the proletariat. The plebs push you if you want revolution, you want a green revolution.
Unknown: with climate change that to dwarf the damage caused by the pandemic, the message from 2020 should be abundantly clear
capitalism, as we know it is. this obsession that we have had with maximizing profits for shareholders alone has led to incredible inequality and Planetary emergency.
No one can do this alone. And top down approaches won't get us anywhere. Because everything we've learned in our work has shown us that diverse voices lead to better results. And it's for these reasons that the forum talks about
Adam: diverse voices lead to better results. Is that everything we've learned lady,
Unknown: but no one can do this alone. And top down approaches won't get us anywhere. Because everything we've learned in our work has shown us that diverse voices lead to better results. And it's for these reasons that the forum talks about something called stakeholder capitalism, which would shift businesses away from just profit. Because if we want to change where the focus of our recovery will go, then we need a new dashboard for the new economy dashboard needs to encompass people planet prosperity and institutions, people planet and prosperity, taking the economy and putting well being before growth. And that's all about getting the right people in the right place at the right time. We must reveal our relationship
Adam: vago. It's all about getting the right people in the right place at the right time, then it kind of ends from there. This is this is the goal is stakeholder capitalism is the buzzword, you're going to hear about it. It's a KPMG Price Waterhouse Coopers to Latin de-douche, Deloitte, measuring stakeholder capitalism towards common metrics and consistent reporting of sustainable value creation. The whole dock is Yeah, the whole dock is in the show is your buzzword Bingo.
Unknown: Bingo.
Adam: That's right. That's right. And then Klaus right there was Brian Moynihan, CEO of Bank of America. Also this they're all in on this. And it just shaping this this world that can only be saved by giving the illusion that everybody participates. And companies will put people before profits. No, that's not how it works. stakeholder capitalism dead the whole thing is is diabolical and we need to have the right people in the right place at the right time. So that means government oversight. It means placement of CEOs who are determined pre determined if they're okay to be hired. Not will they pull it off? I don't know. But there's a lot of dickheads in America, certainly who believe in this.
John: Now they can't pull up there's too stupid, but way too many that's kind of the problem. But I wonder what the connection is to this now. This has nothing to Do it with the clip you play but when Master Master Card guy shows up and he's a total douchebag and the rest of it, I have to play these two clips. I've been carrying these clips for weeks.
Adam: Okay, talking to the mic, man you're wandering.
John: He, he I don't know why that is he when one un
Unknown: that Chinese regime is actively testing its own digital currency to compete with the world's most popular digital currency Bitcoin bug can prevail in the battle. ntds Becky Jo has the latest.
It's incredible that one bitcoin is worth over $50,000 and it's attracting competitors such as the Chinese yen into the digital currency market. But the Chinese regimes agenda may be above and beyond digital currency. Chinese authorities are testing digital yen in multiple cities such as Shanghai and Beijing. They call it e un and claim it will simplify payment transactions is not freely exchangeable for the US dollars, and also government controls the exchange rate. For most Americans, they probably won't feel anything. Both EU and Bitcoin are digital currencies. But there are different
Bitcoin was not issued by any government entities issued by a group that though we don't even know who they are, that's the true encrypted digital currency.
Un is similar to Apple Pay in the sense that users place their phones next to a device to complete each payment. But it's also unique users can withdraw e un via ATM machines onto their phones to make purchases. According to Chinese state run media users can still transfer money without internet connection.
How is the Chinese system connected with the US system? That's a problem that US companies may face like importers or exporters.
For those American companies that do business with China, they have to figure out a way to deal with the UN. But the implications of the UN go beyond trade. The CCP could use this digital currency to evade us sanctions and support other internationally sanctioned regimes. The Washington Post says the CCP use Chinese yen to buy Venezuela's digital currency, Petro when Petro was created against us sanctions in 2018. And Beijing could also suspend the digital wallets of human rights activists with no difficulties.
Adam: Yes, I'm very familiar with this.
John: This is kind of in the background. But this is again challenging the US dollars a Gemini worldwide and every time somebody tries to do this, they seem to get themselves into trouble. Well, it's not a trouble.
Adam: I think it's
John: Venezuela is a good example, when they you know, they've been talking a big game about their own petrodollar. I do have a second part of this clip if you want to play it definitely short. I don't know what it is.
Unknown: For people like the dissidents, people that the Chinese government doesn't like underground Christians, Falun Gong practitioners, Tibetan monks, Quakers, if they want to punish them, they can close their account.
The Chinese regime has reportedly also tried to expand e un to Hong Kong and use it at the Winter Olympic Games in Beijing next year.
Adam: Right. So I definitely was talking about this early on. This is the whole move to Central Bank digital currencies. China wants to do it every every central bank wants to do it for the same reason so that they can manipulate the money supply. So they can have what they call better tools to work on inflation to contain or so they can inflate and deflate at will that's the whole idea by literally taking the 16th digit after the decimal point and reducing that and you don't care. You're looking at your digital wallet.
John: Well, well, let's take it one step further. And Cyprus. As you recall, like five or six years ago, they just base basically took 10% of everybody's money.
Adam: Oh, and more in some cases, just right
John: out of the bag. Or in case of this Chinese product. You could just kill the account because you don't like the person well,
Adam: and that is the same for the sand dollar, which is I think that's Bahamas, Bermuda. The Euro, the digital euro is now in in final phase of planning. We for long time have heard about the digital dollar. It was in the original Coronavirus package. The first one, when Trump was still president, the one that got shot down coup was filled with crazy stuff. And the whole idea behind that was, hey, if we if we have a digital dollar, and then everyone gets an account, which is directly connected to the Federal Reserve, then we can bypass the whole system we can just we can just push it back and forth between the citizens and the citizens don't comply. Then we take it back we can block it or even better. We'll give them incentives if they're good little doobies and they spend their stuff at These stores, Whole Foods and Walmart and then we'll then we'll give them more incentives, maybe we'll do a little special the universal basic income we'll do a little stimulus just a one time stimulus, which can only be spent on cars that they want total control, total control. And that is why Bitcoin is the only answer for humanity. Because that's where everyone's going. I think Bitcoin is they shut down jack Ma, with his alipay For this reason, because they didn't want him competing with them, he won. But all of them are all looking at Bitcoin saying How the hell do we stop it? And they can't. That's my personal view.
John: Yeah, it is your personal and it's going to personal view is Chinese and public. The Chinese at large, especially the ones the United States won't let any This happened because they like cash. They like the dollar. They like something you can put in your wallet, you can. You can spend it and trade it between people. Here's $1 for yours, $1. For me, that's the way that this doesn't work is when you keep currency in play.
Adam: Well, that's the intent and none of these coins will be exchangeable. Not digitally, there'll be closed systems. It's a very dystopian, dystopian world that we're going towards when they get us when they look weak. That's the one thing we lost during the lockdown and COVID cache gone he was dirty. caches dirty it's infested It
John: was a nice try there's still cash around I have plenty
Adam: like 15 bucks he's just grab a Bitcoin just grab one bitcoin, just take it from your old pal, Adam, what do you got to lose?
John: except to buy bitcoin at 25 cents? Yeah, I
Adam: know, I know, everyone had a chance you could still buy it. Now. It's going to 430,000. Okay. So and I also really believe that the banking system is so messed up that they don't know what to do with it. I mean, they just don't know how to the banks are the problem. They're the ones that take all the money, printers stuff that's flying around, and they push it into this. I mean, we have the Dow Jones and NASDAQ at record high. Why? Because that's where the money goes. It's not helping anybody
John: know what goes up must come down. Anyway, I'm concerned about these sorts of things that the Chinese I don't think they can pull it off of their own people know something nice about having a you know, portable cash. It's not it's no idea. Why would you have it ajaan your phone, by the way, the yen on your phone? So you go to an ATM, and then have more money moved to your phone? That's what it said in the report. Why won't you just dial a number and have it moved in once the ATM even exists? If you have a system like that?
Adam: No, I think they're just trying to say that everything's that Everything's going to be all stuck together. But the Chinese they don't I mean, you think they use a lot of cash. As far as I know, Ali pay is the number one that's how they do it. Everything is paid for in alipay they got the Super Chat apps. And you pay for everything through it your your your phone bill, your electricity bill, your rent, all of that hooked into alipay. Now, I think the Chinese are very, very wired into a system without cash. And we're just the same Venmo everyone's got all these these apps. No one's using cash. So I know you have some I got some too. But the mattress This is the real danger in the money is the is the problem. We have a $4 trillion stimulus bill coming up.
John: That's good fun. That thing's not gonna get passed on. I'd be stunned if that actually happened. Yeah, bitch about it. But what do they care? Does all I know as far as they're concerned, it's all free money.
Unknown: Just just
John: throw it in the air. Yay. It's catching on fire. Who cares? Yeah,
Adam: we'll just make it rain, you know.
John: Kind of chain. Yes, the change subjects. I want to keep us up to date with the Cuomo story. All right, up to six people now. And I remember and I think we talked about on the show they had to accusers, and the big thing all the media, mainstream media. Well, if there's a third accuser he's done with, be out. We're up to six, including somebody who just worked for him. And she got fed up and quit. Let's This is the updated report right here. And this is as far as it's gotten.
Unknown: Now to a developing headline as we're on the air tonight, the widening scandal involving New York Governor Andrew Cuomo. The New York Times is now reporting tonight for the first time, a current employee at the governor's office coming forward with her own allegations. Here's ABC is Ariel Rushkoff tonight
tonight for the first time a woman who currently works in the Office of New York Governor Andrew Cuomo coming forward to accuse him of sexual harassment. Alyssa McGrath, a 33 year old aide says Cuomo ogled her while she was taking dictation, I put my head down waiting for him to start speaking and he didn't start speaking she said, so I looked up to see what was going on, and he was blatantly looking down my shirt. mcgrill tells the times that co worker confided in her that Cuomo had groped her breast, a story that has been previously reported Cuomo has denied ever getting physical with anyone.
I never arrest anyone. I never abused anyone. I never assaulted anyone now,
and I never would. But McGrath
is the eighth woman to say that's just not true. former aide analyst claims Cuomo created a toxic and abusive environment where she felt like, quote, Justice skirt. I don't think the average person in New York state would like to know that their governor is an absolute
Adam: do douchebag
Unknown: monster another former aide Lindsey Boylan says Cuomo gave her an unwanted kiss. She tells the New Yorkers Ronan Farrow that one time at the governor's mansion, one of comos dogs jumped on her. She claims Cuomo quote, jokes that if he were a dog, he would try to mount her as well.
Both internal communications in the governor's office that talked about her looks and alluded to an elevated level of interest from the governor.
And David
Lindsay Boylan told The New Yorker that the governor's office tried to retaliate against her by leaking her personnel files with unflattering information to reporters. The governor's office says that was appropriate to set the record straight. David,
are you real Russia here in New York. Thank you.
Adam: We're so sad about this is that the democrats to cover up the incompetence of their own party and the guy that thinks he's on deck for President. They can't get something something real on the guy like hey, he really was a bad leader, bad administrator. His decisions which he then covered up led to perhaps unnecessary deaths. No, no with the Democratic Party, and I hate to pick on any political party, but in this case, it's true. It always has to be about the penis, their sex obsessed. Now it can get him on ogling, ogling, but it ogling is not necessarily a horrible word. You know, it
John: was ogling
Adam: og wants to look at flirtatiously. You know, it's not like like an ogre. He's an ogre ogling.
John: Well, I think the way I was I perceived it in my mind when she discussed this is that she's they're asking him questions. She's bent over something. And instead of him responding to her, the way I understand it, he's just staring there like drooling drool coming out of his mouth, his eyeballs, bugged open. And he's looking right down her dress. And that's all he can think about.
Adam: She does paint a pretty picture for us, doesn't she?
John: But that's pretty much the way I saw it. But the other stuff, it's all combined, it just keeps going on and on and on. And he is your main assistant is the one that just came up with this reason did like a day or two ago. Everybody in your office, all the women in the office turn on you. And don't want to necessarily but they all do it. There's something wrong with this guy in his whole operation. And he won't quit and the democrats don't know what to do about it. Because the way it's going now, is that he's an embarrassment. They got to get rid of him. They can't get him to quit.
Adam: Well, that's been the issue the whole time. He's not going to quit. He's going to stick it out. He's fighting them, then it's kind of admirable.
John: by Al Franken had less going bad things going on. And he bailed in a minute. I quit, because Kristen Gillibrand told him to quit. He doesn't work for Kristin Gillibrand. He works for the people who voted for him. The Minnesotans who voted for him. But no, because Kristin Gillibrand told him to quit he quit, like in like a wimp. How about this?
Adam: He's got the goods on some important people. That's why staying put he's not gonna let them bring him down with this. He's got the goods. That he's he's no stranger to threatening he there was a New York Times story. I think they even had a recording on a podcast where he said, Oh, you want me to tell everybody your child molester. And that he's that kind of guy. I totally believe this. And everyone's just been, you know, tiptoeing around him going, Oh, it's just the governor, you know, oh, well, but it's still cool job and prospects and we'll keep it like it is. But now now everything of course is evil about them. Sure. But there's, there's a reason why he's not just afraid of what will happen if he has no more power. He's in power for a reason. He's got something he's got. He hired some power and they're trying to pull them down with With this leadership thing and your creep I think I'm
John: not going to argue this.
Adam: I don't know what it is yet. There are no secrets. Only information you don't know
John: somebody will know somebody has the goods.
Adam: quick rundown of some noodle gun stories because the hilarity never stops. Former President of the drag queen story our foundation, do you remember this outfit? They're the ones that would go to schools and and read stories in drag? Yeah. Yeah. So the President of the drag queen story, our foundation. He also turns out to be a Children's Court judge was arrested on seven counts of child porn. Sue, that's inconvenient.
Unknown: Wow.
Adam: Yeah. Not hearing a lot about that, huh? I mean, here's the story. Last summer, we talked about this fantastic idea to bring the transfer trans ideas into young children's minds. What a great group this was. Look at their reading dressed up as women. Aladdin is on deck. Aladdin about to get canceled as racist.
John: character. Yes. The movie? Yes,
Adam: yes, yes, yes, yes, yes. It includes negative depictions or mistreatment of people or cultures. And as Disney themselves says, these stereotypes are wrong then and wrong. Now. See, they're not they're not even saying was a different time? No, no, it was wrong then and wrong now. And we acknowledge this harmful, harmful impact. But what I think is more pertinent and to discuss here is the three different areas where the mob is going after independent thought independent publication, independent content creation, which includes podcasting. The first one is substack, and I've been waiting for the substack implosion. There's something very interesting happening about substack the way they're trying to discredit and they is mainstream media, but in particular, New York Times Kara Swisher is by saying these guys are running a scam, because they're paying some of their writers hundreds of 1000s of dollars, and they're not disclosing it. So therefore, they're really a publisher who's doing shady business. So that yes, instead of seeing substack as a service that just provides service so people can send an created a newsletter and I think they're doing podcast now as well probably a blog functionality for all I know. They are they are actually a publisher, and they're not transparent therefore you know, substack cannot be trusted. What they're trying to say is Greenwald and Ty Eb are getting money under the table and substack admits this. Oh, yeah. Now we pay
a lot of people to kick off the service.
John: But you understand you do we understand marketing?
Adam: Yes, but you understand why Kara Swisher can't stand that she's pissed off about that. But these guys are making good
John: money right? This I don't believe that she's sincere.
Adam: But this is the way they're trying to take them down.
John: But they're not doing
Adam: very good job of it. The payment processors next watch. All they have to do is go after the payment processor to do that doing it again with Patreon. That's the second noodle gun store the third noodle gun story I have for you. Patreon. Oh, yeah, now that got on a transphobes over there. transphobic content transphobes transphobic to get 45,000 self identified not safe for work creators. They had a lot of transphobes Patreon is stuck in the in the headlights again, they don't know what to do. So this guy did remove people. But my, my favorite my favorite was
John: a been removing people of all along so no, but now.
Adam: Now I just throw out the transphobic stuff. You can take everybody down. Even for just saying it wrong, you know? Which is one hand Good. Now the fun one is how they're trying to take down podcasting. And by definition, that's not possible. podcasting is decentralized. Yeah, there's some centralized stuff that you know, because of Apple's role, and Spotify is trying to get the market but in general, if you want to reach an audience, you're on the free and open podcast infrastructure. And well, we can't have this because people just like those two eight holes, Korean divorce, like they just talk whatever they want to just they go against the narrative. Who's in charge of this who moderates this? Well, no one moderates it. So they decide to go after the advertisers and how do we do it by creating the media roundtable Yes, Madison Avenue has created the media Roundtable, a group of organizations that aims to promote civility and stronger dialogue in media. It's launching a chart of what it considers to be the podcast that displayed the most and least bias. the debut of the chart prepared by research organization, add fun tests, media is part of a bid to get advertisers to support content of better quality in an area where the proliferation of niche outlets makes such stuff more difficult to track. So now they're going to have a list. And they're going to swat these podcasts and you shouldn't advertise on them. And if we catch you advertising on them,
we will expose you
John: weak and we need another weenie list on this side of the fence, which I've said for a long time. Now this flies in the face of the New York University journalism professor who says that you're supposed to be biased. That's the only way to go. Does that work?
Adam: Yeah. But they don't want that these evil podcasts got the podcasters. It's hot. Everyone's doing and we've got a mind of their own. They can just spew it in the ether. We have no control. So we'll control them with their money supply. But going after the advertisers advertising is censorship. It's just what it is. That's why from day one, no show three. We created the value for value model and we have lived by it. I'm going to
Unknown: show my spoon by donation to no agenda. Imagine all the people who could do that. Oh yeah, that'd be
John: a few people to thank for show 1331 after the Segway of the year Thank you very much. Terry poor dad per den per den and Tigger just Tiger not Tiger triggered. The guard triggered Oregon 133 33 a lot of people there. That neck of the woods, Night of the Iguana and wife in Salisbury, Maryland 133 dot 10.1 33 dot 10 was this special donation gimmick which came up with three takers starting with Night of the Iguana and wife eireann phirni. From Parts Unknown and Aaron, I think it's grani grown gr o e n e and mead Marina Scott
Adam: Greene probably.
John: And as 133 10s as a palindrome. Shawn Knight of the gota off lane, Department of Transportation that is but as it sees a night of it $100 from kill devil hills. Go wash in Miami, Florida 7777 you might want to rush to read his note because it's a night I think is in blue and he gets we get we read those on the low end here. Yep.
Adam: I was just setting everything up. Where is it? I don't have a blue. Oh, here. No
John: ration 21 blue. That's good to know Magnifico. 21 is
Adam: gray for me is blue for you.
John: Great. It'd be gray Tiger light blue.
Adam: And I got it. You guys continue to do a magnificent job of slicing and dicing the loads of BS that has become our mainstream media. This is my first donation for 2021. My failure to not send it in earlier for the value for value program. I hope it did not drop me back to the obligatory status of douchebag. from Miami, the former home of little Wuhan now I think it's a card that he said and
John: I will say the blue Oh yeah, it would probably it probably is great. And I have to say when you have a cataract operation when your eyeballs. Yeah, in blue, dominant color. You know, we're such a great hair a little tint of blue. It's like we're
Adam: such we're such a great pair together. Yeah. You can't see I can't hear
John: that I slur. There's that you're slurring your swearing? No, actually, I got her. She told me I can't do that voice for her anymore. I've got to do this voice. Oh, is that the new?
Adam: That's the new Mimi voice.
John: I love it. Yeah. Because it's it's it's it's Margaret Dumont, from the WC fields, movies. And she always talk like this. No.
Adam: That sounds like Judy childhood.
John: A little bit. Yeah, she had a Margaret Dumont boys, Brian Tucker and Cassidy Park doesn't have one. He's 6969 donor. Julie Smith in Angola, Indiana. Happy birthday coming up. $60.06 small breasts. Kevin McAfee in Centennial Colorado 60. Brian, spot, spawn, spawn, spawn,
Adam: spawn. No no no spin algo
John: spun algo orient in Virginia 57.
Adam: Hold on. This is not good. Hello, john and Adam, my father in law just passed away days after his Pfizer jab. Since I can't afford that much, I will do my own birthday 323 $57 john is the last employee of the source. I can tell you that compuserve hit the jackpot had been previously having been previously owned by Reader's Digest The place was full of original artwork from their covers. Apparently some of it was very valuable as this was my first corporate job. I thought all the opposite hi in pictures adorning the walls were let down when I went to a cube farm. Happy birthday to me, Brian. Okay. Thanks, Brian.
John: So you're saying to me because he was at the source? Yeah, that's which very few of us remember, but I
Adam: remember the source. Sure.
John: But if the offices were filled with original art from all the magazines, because it was read your reader's digest come to and then compuserve bought them just lock stock and barrel. And I've seen this before with these publishers. But we can do with all this art bill. I just throw it out. And so they gave up all the art they probably made money on that, let alone the purchase. That's interesting. It's a good story. By the way.
Adam: That's why you always want to have posted notes nearby when a company goes out of business to put your name on stuff
John: and grab the arm. Grab it. Tim Hazel's Zell in Hanford, California 55 5055 David Golding and Elgon Great Britain 5547 Thomas Miller in Sharpsburg, Illinois, 5533 Gilly and DeVille in Newton Mississippi, at 510 Sofia de Martino in Laurel Hill, Florida where you can't get insurance according to the is boneheads in the media $55 and she's got a birthday coming up Happy 32nd birthday my two wonderful boyfriend, my wonderful boyfriend, not the two of them. Tracy and maybe schizophrenic Tracy Bassano in Madison, Alabama 5252 Christopher Schwab in Stillwater, New York 5199 Patrick Ness store in sat savour, kickback 5151 Christopher calling people or $50 donors name and location. There's not that many came up short today. Mark Matthew Grice. Robert, key case in mill spring North Carolina. Dave from Atlanta in Johns Creek, Georgia. Lucas Deaton, which is amusing to me, Lucas Deaton in Dayton, Ohio. Jason right in Fort St. JOHN BC. Andrew gusik Sir Andrew, in Greensboro, Greensboro, North Carolina. Sir Daniel laboy in Bath Michigan, Adrian molar and attested arrow California and grow a lot of artichokes in that area. Julian Robinson aptose That's it. aptos California, that's our group of producers for show 1331 I want to thank each and every one of them for
Unknown: Yeah,
Adam: and Christopher Schwab from Stillwater that was his first donation and he requested a doo dee dee doo doo dee dee doo Xing as you saw me on Rogen and has been hooked ever since he appreciates everything we do keep it I'm saying Of course. You've been de karma for everybody who needs that
Unknown: you've got
Adam: Thank you all very much for supporting no agenda 1331 If you'd like to learn more, we have a handy web page which is easy to remember because you can sing it duck or slash and a do that for the Thursday show.
And here we go. The birthday list is as follows. Scroll up here we've got Julie Smith saying Happy Birthday to her. Oh gee conspiracy therapist, UAW wage slave and that was on March 9. A little late sir carries carries. March 18.
Unknown: Allen Radcliffe Happy
Adam: birthday was smokin hot wife Lorraine that'll be on December 22. Tomorrow on the 23rd Brian snuggle will be celebrating Sophia demartino says Happy Birthday to our wonderful boyfriend john just one of them on the 25th and Priester says Happy Birthday to was Elvis. Elvis human resources, celebrating respectively on April 2 and April 5, and we say happy birthday for everybody here at the best podcast in the universe. So we have a Daming and we have a knighting which is very nice. And he's got to get the spiffy blade for the dames. You go up on the podium, please anonymous and Jasmine tires both of you are very welcome into the selects an incredibly exclusive group of no agenda knights and dames. Thanks to your support of the show in the amount of $1,000 or more I now I'm very proud to pronounce the Kate the as Diem Jasmine of the hidden jewel and anonymous driver of the gap for you we've got hookers and blow rent boys and Chardonnay diet soda video games you got brown cheese aquabion small whova we got to harvest and how all pepperoni rolls and pails, redheads and rise beers and blunts Reuben s limited rosae vodka vanilla bonnets and bourbon ginger ale and jerboas How about some? Yeah, you got it mutton and Mead, mutton and mead is a favorite when we have that here for you at the roundtable. While you enjoy that just to write down You should go to no agenda nation calm slash rings. So Eric shil can get all your details. We don't have them yet. You're not in
the system. And get out your night or day ring and your ceiling wax in your official certification. And thank you again, both of you for supporting the best podcast in the universe.
While they're just going out of control the amount of meetups that are taking place around the world we're gonna take you around the globe today is the no agenda meetup reports are streaming in first one from Burlington
Unknown: there's a surge white the night at the Burlington no agenda meetup by in the morning.
This is Paul and Christina and fellow human resource on the way I just wanted to say thank you for all the content creators and the no agenda nation.
douchebag Andrew checking in
douchebag Greg from Hamilton, thanks
a lot for all you guys do for us.
This is David Catherine the patient. Stay safe, john.
And this is sir Saturday.
He loves it. You
want it for Christmas.
Hi, I'm Clint. Just checking in to say hello.
Adam: From Burlington over to Mississippi. Hi
Unknown: guys. It's Luke Cumberland coming to you live again in the evening. So you might remember me from the Memphis meetup last week. My trademark PVR okay. Yeah, this
is a longtime Boehner first time donor about an hour before I got here because I didn't want to be the douchebag of the group. Name's Daryl de visma smokin hot wife Gilliam
in the morning. Rocket Man Baron
of the bay kg five
is deaf a black six. Have a lovely evening.
Hi, Kendra here in the deep south from Canada.
Hey, this
is Ashley in the morning, calling out MBs you know who you are. longest running Boehner douchebag in the history of the show, in the morning dude named Ben just started listening to about six weeks ago. I'm currently douchebag banging to fix that real soon.
in the morning. This
is Tony on the organizer. You've been listening since 2011. And I'm still on at night. So I'm still a douchebag even though I've donated money. The biggest douche bag is a guy named Omar in Dubai. He's the cheapest man alive and he will never donate any money. Anyway, we had a really good time here in Mississippi. And we're gonna do this again really soon.
Adam: I don't know about Omar in Dubai. But I do know that we have producers in Riyadh. In fact, we have our very own Duke, Sir David Foucault's odo and again, an attempt at a meetup in Riyadh how
Unknown: to go this is sir Dave, Duke of America's Heartland and the Arabian Peninsula. We are here to meet up at pandemic coffee, which is an interesting local little place. I'm here with a couple of our fellow travelers. And I'll pass the word around.
This is Solomon. It's good to be here meeting with fellow producers with this Dave
in the morning to
Dave's Dave's the new producer. He doesn't even seen the show yet. So Solomon roped him in brought him out here saying hi to him, and he's being introduced to like abruptly, but we've got a good time here. We had some good Chow, and turn it back over to the show. Thanks, guys are
Adam: these military guys is like, Hey, we're gonna roast you. You're coming to the meetup. You're gonna like to show listen.
John: You're like to chow. You're like the Chow
Adam: at the COVID, the COVID Cantina. And our final report, we go to another part of the world just to but it's just the two of us, Moscow.
Unknown: Hi, Adam and john. This is Sarah with the northern territories and the lady of the Northern Territory.
Hi guys.
We're here at the Moscow meetups and the no one showed up to see anyone the next month in the morning.
Come on Moscow
Adam: producers. I know you're out there. Let's get this together. That's what it is no agenda meetups.
John: There is no way.
Adam: But you know if you're in Moscow and it's crappy and snowy and you know what it is. It'd be nice to go hang out with People, you can hang out with a very diverse crowd from all walks of life. This is what's great about it. It did. There's no common age range. There's no common occupation. A lot of people are professionals, not either professional truck driver, professional, medical teachers, it's all professionals, and some just total nut jobs, but that's what makes it beautiful. No agenda meetups where we have on the list for you today. Actually, the Pittsburgh best chili cook off in the universe at 430. You better get a move on because it's about to start. That's Sir Andrew hosting. On Thursday, Pensacola beach, the Florida super spreader event at seven o'clock on the beach behind the Hilton. If it's raining, it'll be at the main bar in the hole in the Hilton. On Friday. kawartha cottage country spring meetup 630 Peterborough, Ontario, Ontario, Canada. Apparently Riley says it might even be warm enough for short. And here is what's coming up the rest of the month Memphis Tennessee on the 27th Melbourne on the 27th date and on the 27th san fran Montana local 406 and Springfield, Missouri all on the 27th of March. Then April 1. Viola, Wisconsin on the second Houston the Houston hackers April 2 near SLC Seoul, Korea, South Korea Republic of Korea on April 3, Michigan local one on the 10th also on the 10th take the douchebags bowling Philly, Pennsylvania be
cool meetup, April 17. The local 404 in Atlanta, Georgia, the 24th in Chicago, may 1, Boston and Minnesota nuts nisswa and the 16th. Local 919 Durham, North Carolina and the 29th will be Rhode Island. This is completely spontaneous is the TEDx of the no agenda show. miss it and you're going to miss it. But it's really easy. No agenda
Unknown: sometimes you want to go hang out with all
day. You would
be triggered
you wouldn't be
Adam: under show ISOs. And to show ISOs
John: I have but one. Okay, and it's called keep faith. Okay, hold
Adam: on. Find it. Keep faith. Here we go see what you got for us keep the faith.
Unknown: Hmm.
Adam: I do have two choices. This one you already heard
Unknown: they can turn your penis into a vagina.
Adam: That's too long, I feel but this one may be a candidate who
Unknown: does not work.
Adam: What do you think?
John: I like keep the faith better than those to really keep the faith.
Adam: Do you like that positive
John: upbeat message as opposed to some guy sounds like he's having a conniption fit.
Adam: Alright, keep the faith it is I'm good with that. I do have to have one final. Yeah, I just had one nice thing to put two things actually a funny clip and then a nice, a nice little thing.
John: But you get so user all upbeat. Well, I've got all upbeat, all upbeat, okay, well, I get the downbeat. Or it's kind of kind of downbeat. This is just keep us up with the Taliban bull crap that's going on. This is the update from PBS,
Unknown: the Taliban is warning the US against ignoring a may 1 deadline for leaving Afghanistan, as agreed to last year. The warning came a day after international talks in Moscow. The militants insisted the US abide by the agreement.
After that, it will be a kind of a violation of the agreement.
So in that case, if there is action,
of course, there will be reaction,
Taliban officials that they do support accelerating the peace talks. And the Kabul government said the same
Adam: this is a mess. And you know that it Russia and Iran and everyone China, I think we're running circles around us and within six months more troops to Afghanistan. What do you think?
John: Well, it's almost as though was a poison pill that was put in by Trump? Yes. Because it It affects really only one thing puppies. That's all it's really the rest of it is just nonsense. A bunch of white guys running around.
Adam: Yeah, the main thing is we don't want we don't want the Chinese we don't want the Russians getting all the puppies so they have a lock on the fentanyl the heroin and also the the legal stuff is too big supply. And so they protect it so that no one else can grab it. Then we do it illicitly. We take couldn't sell it for the CIA's black budget. Why don't we just be honest Hey, there's a lot of drugs here to our drugs stay away
John: just be honest about drugs you stay out you know what I it's not that aren't understand this has nothing to under show. Week can't seem to bring ourselves to do that because people Oh my god, what? Oh no, you like the CIA there's actually a movie made about this that brought it to the fore and still the public doesn't want to believe it. Oh, what are CIA's is using drug money billions and billions of dollar drug money to sponsor their operations. Yeah, yeah. So they do. I don't know. I think I still think is a poison pill. I think Trump threw it out there you guys screw you if I don't get it because he could have pulled. He could have changed it after the if he got reelected and gotten away with it because he's a flake. But no, now we're screwed.
Adam: What was the movie again? That was Denzel Washington, wasn't it?
John: Yeah, it was Denzel Washington movie. It was oh man. What was the name of somebody that does it like whole rooms like the American
Adam: president of black America the first
John: American
Adam: American Gangster Yeah, American
John: Gangster that's
Adam: what it was. I think that's what it was American Gangster great movie based on true stories based on a true story. Yeah.
John: And the guy you know, got through the whole thing.
Adam: here's a here's what's going to see you mentioned Trump. Here's what's going on with Trump in in the great state of Texas very concerning
Unknown: a wax museum in Texas was forced to remove a statue of former President Donald Trump because too many visitors punched and scratch the finger to San Antonio Express News reported the Louis two swords waxworks pulled the finger from public view. After was repeatedly vandalized. The statue was transferred into storage. It is unlikely the statue will return to the display floor until the new wax vigor of President Biden is added into rotation, which is still under production reports. The Hill, the regional manager of Ripley entertainment said we've always had trouble with the presidential section, because no matter what President it was Bush, Obama or Trump, they've all had people beat them. The ears were torn off Obama
And then Bush's nose was punched in.
Can't believe.
Adam: Why didn't we get the story when they were ripping the ears off of the Obama wax figure? That's hilarious. That would
John: be a collectible to have around the house.
Unknown: Obama ear was here.
Adam: Collect all two would be cool. If you had I only have the right ear I'm looking for maybe you could make turn into an NFT Obama's ear. Huh?
John: No, no, she's non fungible. So it can't be something that's actually exists.
Unknown: Yeah. Did you see that?
Adam: The john Cleese is selling the NF T for the Brooklyn Bridge.
Unknown: I love that guy.
He gets it.
All right.
Adam: This is the final clip. Just just fun, fun. Nice little thing we did. There's a lot of problems in the Netherlands. But golden earring is a band that everybody knows from radar love. It's a Dutch band. They've had many other hits. They are a staple in the Netherlands they still perform but a guitarist George coy amounts. He has ALS. And so this you know you announced this recently. So everyone's very sad about this kind of you know, this is our rock band is our Rolling Stones. And on his birthday, which was I believe, just a few days ago, all the church bells in the Netherlands has a lot of church and church bells with carry on what do you what do you call that? The guy who bangs on the big wooden sticks to make the bells go
John: to guy bangs the church bell ringer the bell guy?
Adam: The Notre Dame guy? Yeah, so all these guys at the same time all across Holland. Played radar love on church bells. Just listen to a little
it loses something in translation.
John: Also, in lack of notes, no, it's
Adam: got all the notes. Some songs just weren't meant for the karelian Carola Carolyn, Carolyn current Caroline and Carolyn. I don't know what it's called. I thought that was nice. That was a beat.
John: That was cute. Yeah, I agree.
Adam: All right. Yay, Dutch. Now unlock your citizens. Idiots. My daughter wants to come visit. Be nice after 15 months. Thursday. We'll do it all over again for you with more media deconstruction. We'll see what's happening was Russia with China? Will the President even be alive? Will the President be calm? Anything can change in the long break of three days between shows? Coming up, we've got grumpy old Ben's on no agenda for enter show mixers, Fletch, we got Fletcher here with the groovy one. We got Jesse coy Nelson. We got Obi Wan Martini and we have some Tom starkweather. So great underfill mixes thanks to those guys. And coming to you from opportunity zone 33 here in the capital the drone Star State Austin, Texas FEMA Region number six in the governmental maps if you're looking for in the morning, everybody. I'm Adam Curry.
John: And I'm from Northern Silicon Valley, where we all repeat the phrase, Biden fall down, go boom. And Jhansi Dvorak,
Adam: we return on Thursday right here on no agenda. Make sure you tune in and remember us at the slash na until then adios mofos and such
Unknown: one to the idea that Joe Biden said Come on take Joe Biden said calm
Come on.
I always come here. Yeah.
I can say quite close. Don't come. Don't come Don't come. Don't come. Yeah, come
on. Yeah. Yeah.
And most of them come with a phone number. Yeah, they come over the house. I can see them. Yes. That's the best way to do this. Yes, I know you and you know
I know you and you know me.
Breaking the scenes down there. Yeah.
Do you have to say quite clearly don't come.
Joe Biden said calm. We're not doing that. It's not gonna take a whole lot of time. A long time. Joe Biden said calm.
The guy is choosing all over himself.
guy was along with him in his office. Joe Biden said spend money on the car.
Because they wouldn't even think would even think this.
Price is gonna pay. Well, you'll see surely. Yes, I think Joe Biden probably end up being prosecuted.
Presidential major
Biden has gone from the White House to the dog house after he was involved in an incident at his new home on Monday.
Major eight Hunter, Joe Biden's German Shepherd grew fed up with hunter eating from his food dish and all those Chinese sex recordings. So the dog actually actually was very corrupt son after Hunter was in deep sleep after a meth bench.
Major was surprised by an unfamiliar person.
The dog was that
the three year old dog is now back at the Biden family in Delaware.
Some are speculating that dogs actually protect the Walking Dead major is now attached to the cadaver that is the President of the United States.
It's not the first time major had been in the news. A little roughhousing resulted in a fractured foot for then President Elect Biden in November. What happened was
that he slid on and I tripped
on the rug he slid off.
These forces these forces,
these forces,
these forces,
forces these forces.
These forces, it's the plane of today. These forces these forces.
These forces these forces, these forces, forces lead space force. It's
a plane of today. You have to be concerned about the moon.
These forces these forces, space force
The plane of today. Today
please forst forst forst forst, forst. spaceforce.
It's the plane of today.
It's a new phenomena. I
don't know. I don't know. I don't know.
developed a superpower
Adam: variants are threatening to produce a fourth way.
Unknown: So a lot of talk about barriers,
various, everything is reopened and what's the carrot going to be? variant.
This is why it's urgent to just keep going for a little bit longer.
I think a lot of these
restrictions will start coming down later.
I don't know.
I don't know.
slash and a
Keep the Faith
0:00 0:00